cleopatra's father was one of alexander the great's generals. alexander and his generals were all greek. cleopatra was greek. another fun fact is that cleopatra was a title, not a name - just like Ptolemy. the cleopatra most talked about was actually cleopatra VII and since egypt was a vassal state of rome, most of the cleopatras and Ptolemys did not speak was viewed as lower class.
1 yearthis isnt asmr
1 yearwrong tags
1 yearsaid the simp
1 yearsimps gonna simp
1 yearwow....she got fat af
1 yearfemale wonder its lame. the panties were in the way the whole time.....never send a woman to do a man's job.
1 yearof course the dude with ear gauges is a cuck
1 yearshe is looking rough...the wall is undefeated
1 yearfeel sorry for her irl boyfriend.....
2 yearsi wasn't sure she was really british, then I saw the teeth......then i knew
2 yearslol.....orgasm equality??? my body my choice
2 yearsthat pit hair is on the level of disgusting as a blue waffle.
2 yearsis that bruce jenner?
2 years6.5/10
3 yearslakes aren't wet.
3 yearsnasty!!! that thing looks like it has teeth and like she forgot wipe her ass after shitting herself.....very nasty.
4 yearsthat is not a tight really wouldn't expect such a loose pussy on such a tiny woman.....SAD!!!!