Creamy 2022 debut

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Creamy 2022 debut
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She looks like a roach
My thoughts exactly
What happened?? If she was all dressed in black and went to a funeral...the dead would wake up and run away!
A roach is being kind!
Her plastic surgeon should be in prison
i saw the thumbnail and came here for the comments and iw as not disappointed lol
I just want to say to all you new cats, she didn't used to look this...unsettling. She used to be quite the little minx
Any vids of her before all the surgery? I only know her as this science experiment
Old as hell and hard to find. She was real slim but had a lil ass. Then she started gettin surgery.....
Please. I need to know where the men are who find her attractive in thr slightest ....
Based on the comments, no-one. Most are here with popcorn for the reactions.
when did ducky from the land before time get an onlyfans.
The dangers of plastic surgery...she went too damn far.
Feel like I'm getting a std just watching the video smh
boy is she ugly
She really fucked herself up. She used to look good too
She has a bunch of videos on here and whoever is responsible for that needs to stop she really looks like a dirty roach
She looks a baby with a dirty diaper.
Bitch look like a crack head
The woman's chest looks a like a desk in dentention.
This site is fucked.
This is what happens when you find a person to inject your body with silicone from home depot. Nasty looking hairhatted hooligan.
Those lips are bigger than my self esteem
This chick is ugly as Fucccccccc yall Desperate dude making these girls rich
Wtf is this garbage
For some reason I want to throw pieces of bread at this bitch
Oh why would someone post this? Gross as fuck
Bruh she got a beaver this ain't sexy
This is the lil Kim of porn
Which leads me to my next point, DON'T SMOKE CRACK
This woman is a mess.
she needs to give it up she looks crazy
she fell off so bad
maaaan why this bitch looking like flight reacts now?! ole dutt looking ass bitch!! women this is your brain on plastic surgery!! she looks like a failed glow-up felicia from friday smh!!.
Fuck the vid, im here for the comments
hood bimbo
Does she really think her look is appealing...this is the epitome of self hate. Smfh
What happened!?!?
Every video of her needs to be wiped from existence like god damn this is terrible
what the who the what the fuck
Bob babboon
fucking hideous
Y'all mofos still hitting that given a chance
This is supposed to be hot? This shit tats, the cartoon lips.......
did she get another surgery done? What is that like 3? 4?
TbH, put all the surgery n tings aside.. The pussy still looks well phat n comfortable I'd still fuck ijs
Her ass what phatter..what happened
The first black bitch that ruined herself with the plastic surgery. Went from a 9 to a 2
Debut? I hope she's a one hit wonder. Yeesh.
It be crazy how most yall came to her video just to call her ugly... but still watching all her vids...