the definition of "draining the balls"
1 yearJoe Smiths wife
1 yearohhhh u upset another yt bitch crossed over...
1 yearand Tiger use to hit this
1 yearthat shit look lazy as hell
2 yearsgawd damn geandma
2 yearsnaw!!!! she gonna have to eat my cum....shes been eating everything else
2 yearslearn to read
2 yearssomebodys grandma
2 yearswoody woodpecker sister...this chic is straight gar-bage
2 yearsmy ex used to do that....give that lazy ass she mad i got someone else
2 yearsyou better keep her!
2 yearsdamn....dawg didnt make a sound
2 yearsDid this brotha just turn into a werewolf?
2 yearswhen getting our dicks suck we are not picky
2 yearstiger woods side chic
2 yearswho are you? The Martin Scorsese of porn?
2 yearswho grandma out here slobbin the knob?
2 yearsfuck is wrong with you?
2 yearsyou better not leave her....we all will be on the prowl looking for her
2 yearsawwww white boy feelings hurt
3 yearsthats true
3 yearsbetter keep her
3 yearsdamn shes hot!!!
3 yearsi need her in my life
3 yearswhy are yall saying shes fat?
3 yearsbetter keep lookin for one like that
3 yearssuch a waste with the music.
3 yearsthank you....mofos act like they cant read
4 yearsyoure mad because those type women rejected you
4 yearsPursuajon