I like how she increases the speed of her toes bouncing up and down all over him
2 weeksyeah them feet are ight there!! Her toes look soft
1 monthSHe moves her toes up and down all over his dick. RHythmic strokes, perfect toes. I would be just as hard if her toes were doing that on my hard bone
1 monthRoseWrinkles
1 monthlazy and bad
2 monthsLove how she moves her toes and feet up and down all over a hard dick, rhythmic up and down motion all over it dude was too hard from her.
2 monthsWHy do american women give SUCH poor footjobs, im moving to Asia
2 monthsSHe lacks stamina and so does over 91 percent of women on the world TRYING to give footjobs
2 monthsBOring ass video
2 monthsTHese guys stay playing with themselves more than touching the girl what the hell is that about. WHy dont they just do Gay porn instead?
2 monthsHer voice and that sexy little laugh with her cute, soft looking feet. That cock was super hard for her soles and toes lucky guy
2 monthsI love how she just mopves her bare toes up and down all over that hard on
2 monthsSHe moves her toes up and down alll over a hard dick
2 monthshe got these soft, sexy wrinkles that run all up n down her sole when she points her toes down and scrunch them. Nothing sexier than feet like hers where her soles has hella lines and creases that go left to right all up n down her sole
2 monthsHer Toes squezing and hugging all over the tip\
2 monthsShe is rubbing that hard boner with her Bare, plump toes. She does look like a schoolteacher her feet are sexy
2 monthsTRASH!!!!
2 monthsIncredible my Behind. NO STAMINA havin A stop lyin
2 monthsShe is sexy and very pretty little toes moving on hard dick is
2 monthsTrash
2 monthsHer ong Ass toes
3 monthsu need to have something besides just blowjob. That riding part wasnt about nothin DONT WASTE YA TIME PEOPLE!!!
3 months(YAWN) he said use the toes these women SUCK
3 monthsNope this not it
3 monthsNo stamina or these guys are weak minute men. The stop n go every 5 seconds is annoying have some stamina
3 monthsLove her laughing and talking in a soft sexual tone
3 monthsDUde need to stfu
3 monthsyall some shills
4 monthsguy sucks, stop playin with yourself and play with the female
4 monthshate these clowns who like to play with themselves more than the female. Im str8, B^^^^
2 yearslazy trash
2 yearsmost people creating online content are dumb with the music and countless other ish people do in videos that us viewers just love sooooo fuggin much
2 yearshalf assed she coulda did it better than that ive seen better
2 yearsI bet her toes felt sooo good moving on his Hard dick
2 yearshis dick was harder than a mfer jamie has a way to make you so hard with her feet movement she is so sexy too
2 yearsI would fuck her HARD
2 yearsshes trash too damn big to do fjs
2 yearsTHESE ARE garbage
2 yearsWACK!!!
2 yearstrash, fat belly in the way too dont help
2 yearstrash
2 yearsbe better if she aint do postions for literally 6 secs i HHHATTE that. always great potential messed up by something. i cant enjoy a video when im liiking a postiion then u switch to sum dick softening bullsh1t
2 yearseveryone jsut stop uplaoding bullsh1I
2 yearsgarbage ass uplaods you people suck
2 yearstrash
2 yearsshes real aggresive here. bouncing her toes all around on his hard dick over n over making him so hard that thing was stiff as fuck
3 yearsNO YOU SUCK!!
3 yearsshe sucks
3 yearsthat girl is so sey and pretty. his dickhead sliding across all those deep thick wrinkles get me!
3 yearsfuck the music it never belongs in a porn video during the action, wtf?
3 yearsthis guy is garbage
3 yearstrash
3 yearsBoring
3 yearsweak1111
3 yearsfuckin trash
3 yearsYAWN!!!
3 yearsher young long toes mve on that dick quite nice
3 yearsi like how she goes up n down real fast on his dick head with all her toes making the head go up n down real fast in between her toes while he gets super hard
3 yearstrash too much self jerking
3 yearsdumb camera men msoto f them suck and are stupid. nobody gives a damn abbout the face so stop focusing on it so much yeah
3 yearspeople actually like this garbage? not a real footjob video half is blowjob/hand garbage. n it seem sasha is limited on what she can do and how long when it comes to feet, like most women in these videos. you be hard pressed to find a true footjob giver with ENDURANCE thats what these videos lack. so now i just go back to making my own damn videos. jsut cause they professionals does not mean they pros.
3 yearsTHIS is garbage people upload trash
3 yearsguy sucks
3 yearstrash yall never jus get to the point, by the time her foot on ya dick they dry already or u sucked all the sweat of ya dumbies
3 yearstrash you people on this site are DUMB posters. stupid
3 yearstrahs like 94 percent stuff on the internet
3 yearstrash
3 yearsstop playing with ya self n keep dick on her feet ya numbskull
3 yearsI cant! why they always start doing sumthin sexy then go into sum lazy bs. if its that hard dont even try to do one. jeeeesdus chri
3 yearsFuggin TRASH. wth was that? then u jus play with ypurself you guys cant be making much nmoney doing this half coked GARBAGE
3 yearsTRASH!! SHe is so garbage just stop! no just...quit
3 yearstrash most hoez dont know how to give a fj. they stopp too much n jus bad, the men in these vids seem to let the women do wtv and that my friend is WACK!!!!
3 yearsB-0_H on the left usingjus the bal of her foot no toes, wth kinda sh1I is That
3 yearstoo much camera shaking stop it
3 yearsOMG, TERRIBLE. the jerking yourself with her feet there. The horrible camera angle not revealing much. make your videos better
3 yearsyou can see the sweat on her feet, sexy sweaty smelly toes