Go kill yourself you fucking baby dick
11 daysAll three baby dicks. Great.
2 monthsThis dumb gook wants to eat pussy the whole night. Fucking dumb gooks.
2 monthsThis guy is such a pathetic little baby dick
2 monthsThis guy should just kill himself. Baby dick
2 monthsThis guy is such a pathetic baby dick. She was bored out of her minz
3 monthsIt's always the guy with the little baby dick that hogs the girl
3 monthsMy goodness these gooks are so stupid
3 monthsJust listening to that dumb gook try to speak English would make me dry as fuck
3 monthsFucking dumb baby dick gook
3 monthsMan this n1gger is so lame. He needs to STFU
3 monthsFucking both of these cunts have baby dicks.
4 monthsFucking dumb gook
4 monthsFucking dumb gook cunt
4 monthsThis fucking dumb gook and his fucking anal.
4 monthsBaby dick fucking baby dick.
4 monthsWtf why would you want to do porn if you have a micro cock
5 monthsFucking little baby dick
5 monthsFucking Frank and his baby dick
5 monthsFucking baby dick gook kunt
5 monthsFucking baby dick gook
5 monthsEvery time those gooks open their mouths, the woman's pussy gets dry.
5 monthsFucking dumb gook 'standing doggy standing doggy!' fucking retard your dicks aren't big enough for that shit.
5 monthsFucking baby dick gooks
5 monthsFucking baby dick chink can't STFU
6 monthsWhat a dumb gook
6 monthsWhat a fucking baby dick
6 monthsWhat a dumb gook
6 monthsFucking dumb gooks
6 monthsFucking stupid gook
7 monthsThis guy is such a baby dick loser.
7 monthsFucking baby dick giving us Asians a bad name.
7 monthsCute little baby dick.
7 monthsFucking baby dick
8 monthsFucking dumb gook likes to play with assholes and ask questions when nobody understands what the fuck he's saying.
10 monthsThis loser has such a small penis that can't even get hard. Pathetic.
11 monthsFucking baby dick gook
1 yearFucking gook
1 yearHehehehe