Her name is Lucky B Dallas, but I'm sure you know that by now
5 monthsWell, she killed herself before she had any kids, so I guess it doesn't matter.
1 yearDamn dude, that's unfair ary dudes a mothafucka! Sorry my guy
1 yearHot Ass Hollywood
1 yearMazzerati Monica...
1 yearDamn her for teasing like this!!
What a fuckin woman! My God!!!
1 yearHow come this bitch never gets completely naked ever!? And always with the damn high heel shoes!!!
Bitch, take your mothafuckin clothes off!!
1 yearPpl, this is why black girls are tolerated! My goodness, they know how to fuck
1 yearAlso, no where near being a gay person!!!
1 yearUhhhhhhhh, agreed!
1 yearShe would have had an outstanding porn career, had she stuck with it
1 yearI know right!! Ridiculous
1 yearAgreed! Oh how the mighty have fallen right? Lex just needs to retire! Nothing a 56 year old man could add to the industry these days! Especially when the performance is lack-luster!
1 yearThe tall whore is dope as fuck!!!
2 yearsThese two white bitches are Nigga killers
2 yearsoutstanding!!!!
my man did the damn thang with that beauty!!!!
2 yearsHer name is Aryanna Starr..
2 yearsBlack wives are good for this!! Almost every one of them would secretly be down with this!! Maybe not 10 dicks but at least 2-3...
2 yearsShe looks young and skinny! Must be one of her 1st scenes!?
2 yearsof all the black ghetto porn starts of the late 90s, early 2000s era, she's my absolute favorite one!
2 yearsBlondie Fesser....
3 yearsi hope her booty keeps getting bigger!
3 yearsChelly Supreme was her main aka..
3 yearsWhy was the other whore even there!? She didn't even fuck! And her head game was trash! Keep these half of a hos out of porn please
3 yearsI can't find anything that says she's dead!?
4 yearsLisey Sweet!
4 yearsShe looked so hot with that cum dripping off her face
4 yearsi can't find anything on her except she's from Littleton Colorado
4 yearsShe didn't do alot but this was by far her best work! What a tragedy she quit waaay too soon, she would've been up there with the greats!
5 yearsAll of their scenes together are condomless!
5 yearsThey were dating at the time, her and Prince
5 years2:02:45 Sandi Jackmon
5 yearsThose skinny little white bitches, with a little bit of a booty, are so fuckin hot and sexy!
Wish i can get one before i die!
5 yearsWhere are the BBCs?
6 yearsHer and Olivia O'Lovely favor each other. Too bad they never worked together!
6 yearsSad she only did a handful of scenes! She was a true beauty!
6 yearsoung Sara! Noice!!
6 yearsShe's a terrible Mother but she was a hellava porn star!!
6 yearsBEST BBW out there right now, bar none!!! Looking fpr more from her now! More than just 1 on 1!