what in the hell is going on here?
2 yearswhat idiot posted this in 480p? Are you out of your mind? I have seen VHS tapes from the mid '70s in better condition
2 yearsWhy is this moron speaking? STFU! Ruins the clip. Idiot!
2 yearsI outta peg you ya little prick!
2 yearsMakes no sense why it's called Bikini Blowjob. She takes the bikini off in the first minute. Shit for brains
2 yearsWhat is with the annoying, fake, non-human noises this idiot makes? Whoever put this video together should be shot
2 yearsWhat's with the ridiculous music in the background? WHY? What utter moron thought it was a good idea to have that going in the background? Some shit-for-brains idiot
2 yearsJust ridiculous and pointless. WHoever posted this should be deported. The performers should be beaten until they promise never to do this again
2 yearswow, shot in "stunning" 320p
2 yearsThe point of the ridiculous music is ... what?
2 yearsShe is right about one thing: SHUT UP. This fool needs to shut up. Ruins the clip with his nonsensical gibberish.
2 yearsshutup. why would someone report this. be thankful. We should report you for making stupid comments.
2 yearsI know. I'd love to put a bullet in each of their heads when they dont shut up. No one is watching to hear their stupid comments
2 yearswho is the utter moron who did the lighting on this clip? Total moron. Must be an election denier too. That is the only kind of person stupid enough
2 yearswhat's this from? where's the rest?
2 yearsIdiot! Don't put some stupid message as the title of the clip. What's wrong with you?
2 yearsWHY? Why pixels? It's porn. We know this
2 yearswho is the utter moron who edited this? jackass.... just post the clips as originaLS. DICKHEAD.... youre not steven spielberg. I'll check back in a week and you better repost correctly
3 yearsWhat is the point of having this video? And why have music? She hardly dances, and when she does, she's so off rhythem its ridiculous. And the sound quality is as if she's doing this from the moon. Plus all she does is type. So half the time she dances out of rhythem, the other half she types on her keyboard. Pointless
3 yearsWho cares who she is? She does nothing
3 yearsOMG, she WAS so hot until .... until she opened her mouth and spoke. Jesus that British accent is soooo annoying, I want to totally OJ her
3 yearsWhy is the hell would you ruin this clip with this stupid music? Repost this without the music please. Ruins the clip
3 yearsHope your 300 vids are in better than 480p. What's with this 480p shit? Don't waste our time
3 yearsY'all look disgusting with your ugly tats and anorexic bodies
3 yearsAre you retarded? You can't read? It says it right there. How do you get through life?
3 yearswhy is the guy in the background constantly talking??? SHUT UP! Also how does no one realize the audio AND video is screwed up on this clip? What's wrong with you people?
3 yearsohh my god this guy may be the most annoying person on the planet
3 years4 naked girls in a bed with the guy and he jerks HIMSELF off. Unbelievable
3 yearsits insane! why do all of these clips have HJs where the girl jerks the guy for 99.99% and then the last 5 seconds the guy just jerks himself off. Ridiculous
3 yearsWhy are the girls making stupid noises when he cums? STFU
3 yearsShe says it tastes so good. How would she know? She spit it all out. She's a fraud. She's not swallowing anything.
3 yearsI'm Kevin. Why? What do you want?
3 yearswhy are these 2 idiots constantly looking up??? stop looking at the computer. Blowjob you idiots
3 yearsWhoever put this ridiculous music in the background should be shot in the head. Simply put, you're an idiot
3 yearsBecause it's great to ruin a man's orgasm. He has no say in the matter either. The alternative is he doesn't get a release at all and we leave him with aching blue balls. Given the option between blue balls and a ruined orgasm, a horny man will always to a ruined one.
3 yearsperhaps the most annoying video ever. That stupid British accent plus "daddy" every 3 seconds.
3 yearsDude WHY DO YOU TALK during these? Get all that shit figured out before the shoot. "I"m gonna cum in your fucking mouth" ?? Really? You hadn't decided on that until that point? Going forward, get this shit figured out before so we don't have to hear your annoying whispering at the climax. Jeez. Porn 101
3 yearsAre you THAT stupid? Really? The name is RIGHT there. I now know you must have voted for Trump. No doubt. If you're that stupid to ask the name
4 yearsanother pointless posting where the girl simply has no clue
4 yearsThis is the most ANNOYING music ever. Cant watch this video
4 yearsWhat kind of nonsense is this? Why does he finish himself off after 2 girls have been giving him a BJ?
4 yearsuh yeah, if you hit play and watch it, you see that. Yeah.
4 yearsthis is ridiculous. a frigging joke. she's just staring at her screen. that's now what passes as a video? No wonder this country voted for Trump. Bunch of idiots
4 yearswhy do these idiots RUIN it with fake cumshots. If that incredible handjob can't make you explode, go do something else. Pure IDIOTS
4 yearswow a young woman in her 20s with fake gray hair. Yeah makes total sense. Next thing is we'll have men pretending to extend their guts and hairline
4 yearsWow what a cum shot! Must have gone at least 2 or 3 inches into the air. (what a pathetic display)
4 yearsWhat's the point of the stupid pixels. Are the Japanese stupid? It's friggin PORN. We expect to see people who are ..... NAKED. Yeah no clothes, private parts. IDIOTS!
4 yearsThis clip makes no sense. For 5 minutes we have 2 girls licking and teasing giving a sensual blowjob. Then for the last 10 seconds... it's just a guy jerking off. Ridiculous
5 yearsThis is just an awful clip. Horrible quality of film, and the girl keeps looking up to whoever is shooting the scene. Acting is beyond awful even for porn. Maybe the worst clip I've ever seen
5 yearswho the hell is filming in 320p? Cheap bastards
5 yearsWhat utter jackass added this music? Are you insane?? Just play the clip
5 yearsYou are really asking her name? You can't possibly be that stupid. Her name is in the video. I have no doubt you are a Trump supporter. Utter moron
5 yearsThey are a complete moron. says it right there. Can't be any more dumb
5 yearsStupid! For 20 minutes, it's 2 hot girls jerking a guy off. Then ..... a guy jerks himself off. WHY??? Rocks for brains whoever put this together.
5 yearsThe friend is Abby Cr0$$
5 yearsthe "script" is mindnumbingly stupid. Just get to the point. So ridiculous. Ruins the clip
5 yearsWhy are you idiots TALKING the whole fucking time?? Are you brain dead? Morons. STFU. Idiots
5 yearsJust plain stupid. This fake shit is ridiculous, pointless
5 yearsThis is NOT Riley Reid as the tag suggests. It's: Mia Pearl "Cum Eruption"
5 yearsWhat is so hard to understand about this? This clip is ridiculous. Why do we have a clip that is so hot for 95% of the clip - 2 sexy women giving a guy a handjob and blowjob, only to have it end ... with him inexplicitly standing up and simply jerking off? Unreal. It must suck to be that stupid.
6 yearsShelby PXge (replace the X with "a") ... so last name is like "turn the ____"
6 yearsRidiculous. Why does this guy have to grab it and jerk it off after she had done 99.9% of the BJ until that point. If the guy is unable to ejaculate from a sexy blonde giving you a 15 minute BJ, you're clearly not cut out for this and get the hell out of the biz. Clip is a joke - ruined because this guy jerks himself off. That's what you just watched. Not a BJ .. you watched a man jerk himself off.
6 yearsSharon something ... dont know last name
6 yearsLoni Legend
6 yearsWhat is so funny in this clip is that for the woman, this is just a game. A fun, silly game. Manipulating his foreskin for fun. While for the man, it's all he can think about. Aching out of need. Willing to do anything, beg, plead for release. While she is carefree. Men and their sexual needs always can be taken advantage of
6 yearsThis guy may be the most annoying human on earth. OMG would he please shut up? He RUINS this video. Oh I wish he'd get hit by a bus. That voice, Jesus!
6 yearsGreat legs ... maybe best on the net, BUT the 480p kills it. Why is this not at least 720?
6 yearsHer name is (R)@diant (Z)oe
6 yearsJill .... last name K@$$idy ... 2nd letter is an A, not an I
6 yearsReally! Its so stupid. You see this all over the place too. A girl gives a HJ or Bj for 10-15 minutes, then we are treated with just seeing ... what amounts to nothing more than watching a guy jerk himself off. If these guys can't cum from what the girl is doing, GET OUT OF THE INDUSTRY.
6 yearsGreat video quality. What is this, someone's VHS from 1975?
6 yearsthis has to be the absolute worst acting ever. Can they at least try? Useless
6 yearsOMG Just friggin swallow it already!!! Thank god for video editors. I take this crap and completely cut out the BS with spitting into her palm and licking and spitting out again .. and on and on. And great camera work, friggin MORONS put these clips together
6 yearsWhat is with the "daddy" shit? I mean really, just show a BJ!! Amazing how many complete morons are out there producing this daddy mommy step bro crap. It does NOTHING but ruin clips.
6 yearsThese clips would be much better if THAT IDIOT GUY WOULD SHUT THE HELL UP! He RUINS these clips with his nonsensical talking in that stupid accent
6 yearsFL@WLES$ MeLiS$A
6 yearsThis guy may be the most annoying guy in porn (Keiran is close behind). But this guy here has ruined many a scene. He needs to just shut up
6 yearsSeems to just go by " @1inA "
6 yearsShow the fucking swallowing part, or remove this shit from the site. Jesus Christ!
6 years@bby Cr0SS
6 years2 things: 1) Has this girl never touched cum before? You're doing a HJ scene, how are you disgusted by sperm? 2) What is with the video quality? This looks awful, the Moon Landing had better video
7 yearsThese need to be removed. Pointless to have fake cumshots.
7 yearsit's NOT Catherine Foxx... that's a different red head.
7 yearsIt's so stupid. Yeah ok she's his mom. If this was called "Stepdad fucks stepdaughter" it'd be the same thing. These stupid stepdad / stepmom ... who is actually into this? Even if you are, these role plays are SO ridiculous. These 2 people are within 5 years of each other. I can't even tell who is older.