Of course he would she should of left her pendulous big tits alone though. Still her body is banging regardless.
10 monthsReminds me of LA Gurls body type. Have to watch and jerk
11 monthsLA Gurls curves are amazing
1 yearI love her, brick house built, dark skinned and bat shit crazy. What's her name ?
1 yearOkay I just saw their shapes and got rock hard. Had to beat my pipe to this scene
1 yearI must say it's Mz Tokyo Drifts shape that made me bust a load
1 yearGrear clip, what a body it just get better as it goes along. I had to bust a load midway through
1 yearGreat post I adore Pinky
1 yearPinky is still amazing
1 yearIt's fantastic I agree, great tits too
1 yearFinally yes she's got a vid to beat the meat too.
1 yearThe amazing body of this kenyan girl
1 yearNothing sexier to me than a really dark skin black woman with a curvaceous body. oh fuck yes
1 yearIf you type kenyan big booty in search bar, you should see her videos
1 yearOh you knew who she was I'm impressed. She's been along a long time. She always makes me bust too
1 yearHer body is 50/10
it's so good I don't care about her ugly face LOL
1 yearShe Stacy is amazing
1 yearThat's a good point. I'm just interested in the solo women
1 yearWOW what a body
1 yearFantastic shape and skin
1 yearTry watching without a big hard on I can't do it
2 yearsHe obviously doesn't know about African women
2 yearsAbsolutely, her and Pinkys old material always get me pumping
2 yearsI see your point, typical women always wanna change something. I still jack off like a maniac to her though LOL
2 yearsYes she's well past it I agree, but she's always had a huge ass, she's just alot heavier that's all.
2 yearsWell, she's getting older needs must I guess.
2 yearsCan't watch this without jacking off to her, just not possible. I'm sure most of you agree.
2 yearsJust stroking off my pipe from start to finish.
2 yearsYes, she has an amazing shape on her.
2 yearsKenya girls
2 yearsJanay Lachelle
2 yearsKaytee Alade search on here. I like her too, the body of course LOL. She's kenyan check out stacy and lola too
2 yearsOkay so she's not for you fine, however I've seen black women on your account so you must like some.
2 yearsShe's the Kenyan webcam girl named Stacy. The body is amazing, I've been waiting for another solo of her.
2 yearsBoooty Star
2 yearsThe only qualification he needs is to be white for most black women
2 yearsHow is he not rock hard. I'm rock hard just watching that body of her's
2 yearsDefinition of bubble butts, especially her on the left. All natural africans girl. Hard to beat.
2 yearsI agree, her bodies just perfect. I even love the tatoos.
2 yearsI agree, she had fantastic natural breasts, but had to reduce them to nothing. I only get turned on by her old stuff.
2 yearsWish Megan was built like this girl though LOL
2 yearsWhy you say that, people still buying her stuff
2 yearsbuilt like a coke bottle.
3 yearsI agree she gets me hard as a rock, okay her stomach could be flatter but I still adore her.
3 yearsOh yes I'm gonna bust to her now
3 yearsThis is that all hail king steph girl.
3 yearsJudging by her chubby face I thought her stomach would be huge, but it's not too bad. It wasn't until the 4min 30s mark I got my dick out and went to work.
3 yearsRarri Red
3 yearsOkay just to be pedantic, I wish the ass was fatter, however the rest of her is so go good, my dick still rock hard
3 yearsWhat a body
3 yearsExactly, well said. Reeses Pieces had perfect tits. Lost interest in her now. This girl is fantastic, hope she doesn't follow the bullshit and ruin her career.
3 yearsWOW she's gorgeous, wish I knew her name too.
3 yearsSo many long videos of her, I love it.
3 yearsShe looks like Zazie Beetz the actress from Deadpool. Love her body
3 yearsMichelle Cinnamon
3 yearsI like her, wish thia was much longer.
3 yearsFirebug711 she's on camsoda and youtube
3 yearsWOW fantastic body. Wish I knew her name, these African girls are serious.
3 yearsStacy on the rights ass is next level, but all the girls have a huge ass, african girls are amazing.
3 yearsAmazing bodies
3 yearsI love her shape, even the cellulite.
3 yearsI love this girl she's been around for years. This is an old clip but who cares
3 yearsCouldn't watch without busted my load
3 yearsMe too. WOW
3 yearsWanted to burst my nut at 8 mins in, but held on though LOL
3 yearsNot watched her for a long time, she really is getting me going here though WOW, I forgot how good her body is damn.
3 yearsYes she's been around a long time now I know, the body is fantastic, but we need harder material now.
3 yearsIf she goes hardcore on her onlyfans than she can make a huge fortune.
3 yearsLastarya