Why Roxi not get involved FFS
1 yearWhat a body!
1 year2 of the all time greats right there!
2 yearsFuck me, how is he struggling tobget hard woth Ava!!
2 yearsAnymore of her? Amazing
2 yearsLegend!!
2 yearsSo good to see her back to her old ways!!
2 yearsHow much you pay man?
2 yearsYep - was, she died. Mental health, so sad.
2 yearsIndia Asia
2 yearsKnew she would go back to B/G eventually!
2 yearsHow is he nailing her lol - punching!
2 yearsShe needs to make a proper comeback!!
3 yearsGod I miss Chantelle!!
3 yearsWhat a body!!
3 yearsFair play old boy, put in a right shift there.
3 yearsDoesn't work, shame, would love to see Abbey get fucked.
3 yearsSame?
3 yearsName?