That bitch knows how to ride a dick! Damn!
2 yearsyou know shegot some good pussy!
2 yearsNikki Sexxx
2 yearsFlower Tucci!
3 yearsOh wow she is an island girl? Damn that pussy is soaking wet and lethal! Lawd have mercy!
3 yearsIs she spanish or black or both?
3 yearsHell yes. You have to work to hard for your money and that way you can make that $ and let your wife do something to make herself feel sexy without anyone touching her. Straight Cash Homie!
3 yearspinky really had a true phat ass back in the day!
3 yearsbouriquas!
3 yearsshe is a sexy lil bitch!
3 yearsCarmen has a big ol ass!
4 yearsThis is a Porno Star. This PAWG can do everything.
4 yearsUr right she is just fantastic to look at but she just doesnt get into her scenes. She has gotten better, but when you look like her u shouldn't be able to go more than 2 minutes without blowin a load.
4 yearsHow did he not bust when she was throwin that ass! Damn!
4 yearsHer surgeon did a great job. She always looked natural. Honestly though she was like Rose Monroe. Physically they are incredible but not really much in the bed. Rose actually gives more effort than her. I know! LOL
4 yearsGod damn!
4 yearsBefore her enhancements. At least they werent unrealistic.
4 yearsOlivia was a sexy ass woman! So nasty and willing to. Great body! That is what u call thick!
6 yearsshe has a great body
6 yearsGoddamn!!!!
6 yearsButtaface but damn that ass!
6 yearsThis bitch is fuckin hot!