You know you can change that.
3 weeksA great scene with Lisa Ann ruined by music.
2 monthsThat scene doesn't make sense. Why would Zoey have a fake dick when she has a "husband?
2 monthsIf that idiot would've stayed out of it, then it would've been perfect.
2 monthsShe needs to shave. It's disgusting.
3 monthsThis looked awkward as hell. Also, As
3 monthsThat was pathetic,
4 monthsI wish it was a higher resolution.
11 monthsThe other is Abigail Mack.
1 yearTitle was misleading.
1 yearwow, you're one to talk creep.
1 yearI really wish more videos would be converted to HD.
1 yearWhy do they sound like chipmunks?
1 yearWho the hell filmed this? You only get closeups of her thigh and the back of Abigail's head.
1 yearAnnd that was why dinner was late.
1 yearMarcelo is an idiot.
1 yearAlso, don't people watch the videos before making tags? It's a lesbian scene. No men involved.
1 yearWTF was that.
1 yearMusic was unnecessary.
1 yearWtf is with the music all the way through?
1 yearWrong party, Confederate dunce.
1 yearImagine being a video company and thinking that there's nothing wrong with this. What kind of moron is this for?
1 yearWe want to hear his grunts, not that fucking trash music!!!
1 yearMost of them do reciprocate.
1 yearWhat fucking moron put music to this???
1 yearIf the guys are putting up the money, they must be rich.
2 yearsFake cock.
2 yearsWhere's the longer version?
2 yearsVideo has no sound.
2 yearsWhoever labeled this lady "morbidly obsese" needs to get their vision checked ASAP.
2 yearsWhat's with the sudden music?
2 yearsShe's kissing her dumbass.
2 yearsWould love to see Amazon Amanda over 450.
2 yearsWish this was in HD.
2 yearsInteresting marriage.
2 yearsNot zsalynn.
2 yearsWould love to see Gia trample her.
2 yearsWho works out in heels??
2 yearsWhat's with the cheesy soundtrack? I wanted to hear the grunts and groans from their subs.
2 yearsYou're a fucking joke.
2 yearsYou have to be very stupid to think they're related.
2 yearsWho's the bbw?
2 yearsNot ssbbw at all.
2 yearsThree generations more than half a ton.
3 yearsI hate when they put cheesy sound effects in these videos.
3 yearsMost likely from a breast reduction.
3 yearsWe don't need the music!!
3 yearsRita Daniels isn't in this.
3 yearsI want the longer version.
3 yearsNot amateur.
3 yearsWish it had sound.