anybody else watch this in slow mo
10 monthsshe is the sex doll prototype!!!! OMG wish i could taje her home
11 monthsare there any completely nude videeos of her around? she always leaves pants on and she is working with a ssbbw platinum package there
11 monthsi luv seeing his big cock flaccid!!!
11 monthsmr u are a lucky bastard
11 monthsi wan to kiss a girl like this!!!! so much spit i lust it
11 monthscan i be next
11 monthscant even explain what her titties do 2 me
11 monthsneed this in my life
1 yearthanks for sharing!!! if i ever came across her in real time its a wrap!!! them titties getting devoured
1 yeari luv it
1 yearperfect ssbbw!!! rare to find huge breast, big belly, hips and ass in one girl!!!
1 yearim searching for a woman like her
1 yearshe has cracked my top 5 all time
1 yearshe has it all. my gawd i need her for a weekend
1 yeari tricked her in thee dc area about 5-6 years ago or maybe longer and she is 0 fun smh. rules on top of rules and no enthusiasim at all. not to mention she was in a hood motel. i was severley dissappointed. SD for like 2 minutes then bends over. askin you did u nut after 3-4 minutes lol. im likw no bitch i paid for tge hour
1 yearim in complete lust with this woman
1 yearwho is she
1 yearqho is this woman and i need full nudiity next video OMG
2 yearswho else needs to see her completely nude and much more of her
2 yearsvideo guy is the absoluye worst!!!!
2 yearsi wanna take a bte of that phat ass OMG!!! im passin10 playboy bunnies to get to that phatty
2 yearsive seen her when she was much smaller and loved her now with this massive weight gain id still pass many women to get at her!! not sure which version of her i like most!!!
2 yearsmy new porn star wife. sofia rose u been replaced
2 yearsher sister mal is bangin too
2 yearshere is where it gets weird i want my ass licked like that...while im fuckin him
2 yearswhats her name and where can we see more of her?? i needs to see her completely nude w/ all that luscious booty
2 yearsher breast are even bigger now!!!!!!!!!!
2 yearsabsolutely stunning!!! wife material
2 yearsdude is sooooooo lucky!!! 2 beauties and he has a semi hard boner and still gets mad love!!! kissing while getting your cock sucked is my favorite pasttime
2 yearswish i knew. would lust to see more of hher
2 yearsi must of been a lesbian in my former lfe because i fuckin luv to tongue kiss like this!!! i dont wanna kiss if it aint like this
2 yearsi luv grandma!!!! would of ate her ass personally
2 yearsmy gawd i want her
2 yearsi wanna kiss her cum filled mouth too
2 yearsu kno u luv fat bishes when this turns u on!!!!
2 yearsme too!!! saggy floppy tits drive me crazy
2 yearsneed more of her!!!! whois she??
2 yearsi wood pay to suck her tongue
2 yearsi just pre came to this
3 yearsu must like looking at weak white boys fuckin cause it makes u feel good inside
. FOH with the gay shit buddy
3 yearsi luv Latte's body and her "daughter" is awesome too. i'd luv to smash both but if i could only choose one im a bbw lover so
3 yearswho is the girl in red????
3 yearsi would have licked it off her
3 yearsnah i think most just want to see her fucked proper. wanna see that pussy beat up
3 yearslucky bastard!!! all that body an she can suck dick
3 yearsneed her
3 yearsif they dont hang like this im probably not gonna stay hard
3 yearswhat a belly!!! yum
3 yearstitty lovers dream!!!!!!
3 yearsshe perfect in my eyes. i worship that body for hours before id even fuck
3 yearsid luv to make out with her and get some good head
3 yearsi luv kissing
3 yearsi need her name and where i can find more videos please
3 yearsi wish she were real
3 yearsif we aint kissing like this i dont wanna
3 yearsim in lust!! would marry and keep her preggo just to be able to suck her milky lactating tits everyday
3 yearsluv her body
3 yearsi love white woman with big breast
3 yearsi want to suck her tities for days!!!! wish she was lactating i drink all of her milk
3 yearssome of the best hanging tits u will see!!!! she got a friend for life
3 yearsluv kissing. it gets my dick soooo HARD
4 yearsi fuckin luv titties!!!! i luv BIG HANGING UDDERS!!! i luv the word titties
4 yearsneeds more of her asap
4 yearsid beg her to get naked
4 yearsi luv her!!!
4 yearsOMG who is she??? we need much more of those huge saggy long udders!!!
4 yearsi luv to kiss like this!!! turns me on and get my cock ROCK HARD
4 yearsOMG i wanna kiss a girl like this!!! sloppy spit messy tongue sucking!!!
4 yearsid run home everyday if she was waiting on me. stay at home wife and be naked all day
4 yearsi would kill to kiss her for hours
4 yearsits like she got 4 arms!!!! i luv it!! been looking for this vid last 2 years
4 yearsdef need more of her
4 yearssuzy q is a milf/gilf and id be on it
4 yearsi saw her in DC after watching this video!!! went to see her and thought OMG gonna have the time of my life. lets just say she was in the hood and i left dissappointed
5 yearsid fuck for days
5 yearsid pass up 10 playboy bunnies to fuck this whale!!!! she is so huge and i fuckin luv it!!!!
5 yearsi need her completely nude!!!!! i jus wanna jerk off all over her
5 yearsthis has got to be a bbw/ssbbw lovers dream!!!! all those tits, bellies and jumbo asses oh my!!!
6 yearsi could lock myself in a room with her for days and be in heaven
6 yearstits that hang r the best
6 yearswho the fuck is she
6 yearstitties id like to with for 200 alex
6 yearslovely
6 yearsi luv fat bitches !!!!
6 yearsshe escorts in dc sometimes. think im gonna go see her next time
6 yearsluv seeing her naked