Is it really breeding if he's wearing a condom?
2 monthsShe almost looks like Avril lavgine
6 monthsWhy do so many Latinas have such pretty faces and hair but have such ill-proportional body parts that don't look natural?
6 monthsDang this woman has gotten much older since she last became viral and this video was 4 years ago.
10 monthsHow The F?
10 monthsWow her weight loss made her look so much hotter
11 monthsName?
11 monthsJill T@yler
11 monthsThat's rough for a 24 year old
1 yearIts a good thing I downloaded the other video in time. I refreshed and its gone
1 yearIts always the LATINAS!
1 yearCode?
1 yearThey even censor buttcracks lol
1 yearThe girls are cute but the damn japanese censorship ruin it
1 yearDpfuncouple2
1 yearThanks for explaning what that is
1 yearThat cervix so clean, it doesn't even look likes it been fucked yet
1 yearName please
1 yearNever seen a girl suck that HARD!
1 yearspacenintenda
1 yearName?
1 yearNah she looked better before with the darker hair. I would not have recognized her now.
1 yearShe looks like a totally different person than before
1 yearSo if he got good head game from a guy, he'll more likely cum?
1 yearEinneuesleben
1 yearName and Source plz?
1 yearYou have to jerk yourself off to cum? You must be gay
1 yearName?
1 yearCum inside her, she's already hit menopause
1 yearCameraman failed at his job
1 yearDam, and she's married
1 yearStop gatekeeping their names
2 yearsName?
2 yearsNot a fan of Compilations without names.
2 yearsName?
2 yearsIts always the Latinas willing to do the nasty
2 yearsI can't stand the botox lips lol
2 yearsCan't stand the music over the sound
2 yearsHer Pornhub channel was Assetsappreaciation but she deleted that a few years ago. I found one of the dudes on BlacktoWhite who made a video with her and said one of the other guys wanted her for himself or something. Haven't heard from her since.
2 yearsName?
2 yearsNAME!?
2 yearsSomeone recorded 2 hours of this woman with her legs crossed?
2 yearsWhere the White girls at, why are only Latinas doing this?
2 yearsWhy do people put weird shit in their title?
2 yearsPerson never responded
2 yearsName?
2 yearsName?
2 yearsEw that anal just tore her whole ass up.
2 yearsWhere did you get this video from?
2 yearsIt would help if you tell us where you found this video?
2 yearsMy question is, where did this find this video from!?
2 yearsIt should be a crime to record in 480P
2 yearsHoly shit, that's the straightest dick I've ever seen
2 yearsPM me the name please
2 yearsWith that logic, that makes you gay for watching B/G sex scenes because there's dick involved. I don't watch girls get fucked by tiny dicks. To each his own.
2 yearsWhy does it look so much smaller from the doggystyle angle?
3 yearsDM me the name?
3 yearsTheBlondeHotwife
3 yearsShe married and looks a lot older now with wrinkles unfortunately.
3 yearsDid British just stopped doing porn now?
3 yearsIs this a guy?
3 yearsGoes to show, Japanese don't know how to kiss
3 yearsThose lower eye lids look like they hurt
3 years2kindred_spirits from blacktowhite net, but she removed her videos for some reason.
3 yearsFuck anal, its all about impregnating white bitches and making black babies
3 yearsShe has a Instagram page. Unfortunately, the girl does not age well.
3 yearsYour MOM!
3 yearsWhat happen to all the girls and pornstars on that site? All they have now are skinny boney girls with no ass or tits and couldn't take the whole dick or even want it in their pussy.
4 yearsCan someone like shorten the video please
4 yearsI think DFWknight is getting too old for this. Doesn't seem like he has the shape or stamina anymore.
4 yearsName please
4 yearsNo it isn't her according to the tattoes
5 yearsBlonde name is actually Cambrey Sage
5 yearsPlease get rid of the intro