Wow, absolutely savage 😂 Agreed though, this is one of the greatest things ever put to film.
7 monthsWhat's her 2nd name? DM me if you want 😭
1 yearThey're actually not
1 yearAnyone know where the audio is from?
1 yearIt's there on the video.
1 yearNot for you, stop using them
1 yearIf you put the fking name, the fking video gets fking taken down.
1 yearAnyone know where the first clip is from or who the girl is? Anything.
2 yearsWeird music
3 yearsOh okay, thanks!
3 yearsI think that’s the old name. I think it’s changed but can’t remember what it is.
4 yearsAnyone know her new name on that site she’s on. Can’t find her anymore.
5 yearsDoes anyone actually last the whole video?
6 years52:00