Zdena has the most perfect Oma body ever & as an added super bonus......she can suck cock like a seasoned professional LEGEND. The first time I saw this video........ And the games begin when she goes down on him, I think I made it to about 15 seconds of her close up sucking cock & I shot my cum literally across the room....... I'm just as in love as I fell all those years ago. Meeting, Fucking & Cumming in Oma Zdena's mouth is my #1 Lust Loaded Fantasy.
9 monthsLuv to fuck that pussy & cum all over those Tøes
9 monthsBaby, I'd luv to hose down those gorgeous tøes w/ my own personal skin lotion for ya.
9 monthsI cannøt even slightly keep track of how much cum this wøman is responsible for extracting from Me_
9 monthsBaby, I may not have the bbc your used to, but I know all to well how to swing it..... Yøu always send my cum sailing across the room..... I'd love to see a vid just like this one, only this time lying on your back..... As to get a better view of that gorgeous wet pussy & those delicious looking Tøes. Guess you could say I'm on the hunt _
9 monthsDamn baby, yøu made my cum hit the ceiling.
9 monthsMy Gød, She was so gørgeous. Almost Everytime I watch this scene..... She makes my cum hit the ceiling....... the one thing I will never forgive the director for is NØT making her take off her shøes & søcks......... That's the ønly thing that has kept this from reaching perfectly, epic status for me_
1 yearJødizå is one of my absolute favørites........ I've literally dreamt about cumming in her mouth.
1 yearĀll four of these old women are so fucking badass. I would have loved a chance to brick in all their mouths_
1 yearI would straight up drøp kick an actual nun, for a fuck session with this nun here. Lørd have mercy on that pussy_
1 yearThis woman gives the best head I've ever seen _
1 yearI'd løve to fuck this wømån, especially get my cøck sucked by her_
2 yearsThis is my favorite bbw ever...... I've never wanted to hammer fuck a bitch so hard in my life
2 yearsLøve this sexy ass lady_
2 yearsØne day I will find out this grandma's name..... & I will find any & every other vids of her that I can & enjoy them thoroughly _
2 yearsSisi is one of the hottest grandma's on the planet_
2 yearsI want this grandma.... I want every bit of her_
2 yearsDid you see her take the full brick in her mouth....? I love a women thàt won't let my cock out of her mouth until she has my entire load in her mouth......but nobody does it like Margo_
2 yearsLotta is another in my top 10 list of older women I'd most love to fuck.
2 yearsI wish I could've landed the part of the horny mopper_
2 yearsShe is my absolute favorite.
2 yearsI want a chance to fuck this woman...... I wanna fuck that pussy & cum in that mouth the right way.
3 yearsI have been a major fan of hers for years and it has been almost impossible getting a name to help me find all the vids I can of hers.
3 yearsI need to cum in Gloria's mouth much worse than this guy.
3 yearsI would be privileged to record a remake of this entire video shot for shot with only difference being me as the man pleasing granny effie.....the only thing I would change would be the ending.... it would change to me pulling my cock out of her pussy and her taking it in her mouth until she catches every bit of my cum in her mouth.
3 yearsThis woman is beyond fucking suck on them toes, fuck her in her ass & then cum in her mouth would be a real privilege.