she's an O.G.
4 weeksrespect
3 monthsif these are fake then the doc dit one helluva job!!!
3 monthsthose are lovely tits!!!
4 monthsMessi
5 monthsof the short king?
5 monthsThose are some godly tits ya got there
5 monthsgreat cannons
7 monthsWhitney OC
11 monthsSugoi ass
1 yearHer Fbuddy is eating good
1 yearçok güzel
1 yearflower tucci?
1 yearhe's living the dream
1 yearPamela Anderson
1 yeardeffinitly not a she but a tranny
1 yeargreat tits
2 yearsTykita
2 yearsbobs & vagin
2 yearsmashallah
3 yearsgood shit
3 yearsLolee Alexander
3 yearsLolee Alexander
3 yearsI believe her username was Lolee Alexander something like that. don't know if she still got her vids though