This Flight Attendant is a perfect ten!
2 monthsconsidering she is a taekwondo black belt she should be threatoning how she can destroy hhis face with her deadly feet. That would make me cum in my pants
2 monthsCanadian Super dommes... Bijou from Vancouver, I forgot now from Montreal but she's been around forever
3 monthsFuck this cuckold crap -- not hot and not a good fetish-- force me to suck your feet without the stupid insults
3 monthsShe's like a fifty plus year old GILF that can crush your face with her sweaty pussy and make you lick off all the sweat off of her cut ass body
3 monthsFking asshole's comments destroy this video... If he shut the fk up the video would be a ten!!
3 monthsThen while you are cumming Miss Sadie will kick-slap your nose and lips with her soft leathery-smelling gummy soles
3 monthsSoft and smelly gummy and sweaty from leather boots! That is just the way I love them most - I'd be nutting in a matter of seconds
4 monthsSablique! She is all over the internet and you can get sessions with her I think she's in N Carolina
6 monthswhy so over the top Dirt000h
6 monthsIce's Karate hook kick foot slaps are so fking sexy I think I would cum in my pants while she kicked my face in and bitch slapping me silly
6 monthsThe best thing is Irene is a TDK blackbelt, and I would love to be dominated by her deadly soles slapping the shit out of my cheeks, mouth, and nose.
7 monthsthese fking brazilian bitches are always yelling with the fking cuck commands. if they just act like they enjoy what they're doing then this video would be awesome
9 monthsWhy do you morons keep fking asking what her name is? that if it were a porns star you'd know it it
9 monthsAll I know it is some fking cunt who loves living on her fking phone instead of enjoying the moment her mind is brainwashed like 80% of people waking up-- and that Freak Underfoot idiot keeps saying "sorry Goddess" so many times that you CANNOT WATCH THE FKING ASSHOLE ANYMORE!
9 monthsAll I know is it
9 monthsI love seeing pussy when she shoves her slimy, smelly, gummy feet into my face - Now that is what I call pussy footing around
10 monthsI think I am in LOVE with this tiny feet doll - I would love it if she slapped me with those pantyhose feet all over my lucky face
10 monthsplease tell me who this face kicking brat blond doll is and how to look for more femdom videos of her-- please?
11 monthsThe guy is an idiot and I would be coming in seconds after her smelly toes invaded my mouth and nose
11 monthsFrilly socks that are see-thru are the sexiest socks of all
1 yearFking annoying voice that's for sure
1 yearthat's what made me whip it out and wank it immediately I fking love dirty smelly soles rubbing grime into my face
1 yearAnastasia Rose, it says right at the beginning of the video you dumb fk. everyone always just blurts out NAME. WTF is everyone a moron?
1 yearI love the way she'll bitch slap you with her sexy feet from ten diffenent directions. Great video super hot
1 yearI want to have me face kicked by her for sure
1 yearMistress looks like Taylor Swift
1 yearMistress love to bitch slap me with the dirty gummy sweaty feet. I love this treatment
1 yearpowerfully super hot woman she is so fking sexy it's crazy...
1 yearI Love TJ's Coed Feet karate videos
1 yearTJ big model on Coed Feet. Love her karate videos
1 yearWhere in the fck could I see more of this kind of video? I think I've wanked to this babe's karate feet about ten times at least now
1 yearWhatever you say ma'am just make sure you slap my face with those smelly sole because I deserve it
1 yearSladkisliwki - the best of the best here
1 yearMy favorite bitchy blond of all time Rene
1 yearThis needs to happen to me at least twice a day for the rest of my life
1 yearJason's fake reluctance is so fking annoying for fks sake. Like it's his first fking time. Fk off already JASON
1 yearGET THE FK OFF THE FKING PHONE FOR FKS SAKE!!! Ruin the video immediately
1 yearCuckhold crap like this is annoying to me
1 yearYou'd think she'd fking take those stupid sandals off so she could feel his tongue massaging her soles. I mean that is what most women go crazy after. This is hot but she never takes it to the next level. LAME
1 yeartoo much crap on the feet - I love them dusty by fk muddy
1 yearAnother bitchy Brazilian foot domination video
1 yearThis fat fking Hungarian fk loves to get his face kicked in by hot, strong dommes. He can take one hell of a punishment. Of course, his miked-up screaming is super fking annoying.
1 yearFking Drew is such a fking idiot and watching videos with him is so fking annoying and also to most basic American men.
1 yearThat schoolgirl's toes are manicured so sexy and perfect I could cum with them dragging across my lips and nose in a matter of a few minutes...
1 yearsame stupid fake foot slapping over and over and over again - directed like a for a moron's mentality
1 yearThis is just outright phenomenal!! Holy shit!
1 yearReload this it DOESN'T WORK!
1 yearshe's a Puerto Rican psycho bitch from hell
1 yearthese jap videos always go into 50 minutes of lost stupid ballbusting in moronic pixelated bullshit - Really??
1 yearThe Hungarian Foot slapping Goddess that keeps me wanking like a heated puppy
1 yearinsanely fking hot!!
1 yearwow is she ever into herself
1 yearwhy the fk is she drooling on herself? Fking weird
1 yearYep this babe oozes sexiness!
1 yearOnce again this sucks because you never see her face. F
1 yearI love this video thanks for bringing it back . The hottest TDK babes kicking the shit out of guy that loves it
1 yearpink feet makes me wank on the spot.
1 yearOMG I love this type of domination she is perfect!! Please give me her contact info so she can destroy my face too.
1 yearThat's Gaby, the foot-slapping Brazilian death brat. I love this bitch!
1 yearI think I am in love - I need this to happen to me every day!
1 yearHer looks are fking annoying.
1 yearHungarian Dominatrixes -- love them!!
1 yearI need this to happen to me at least once or twice a week
1 yearHungarian foot goddess
1 yearDeath by camel toe... oh my fking GADS I am so ready to blow a gasket
1 yearThe stupid cuckold conversation ruins this video pathetically
1 yearthe fking asswipe idiot talks way too much apologizing and wining and cuckold crap shut the fk up asshole. Hot broad but annoying shit
1 yearNinja's videos and women are fking great, but watching his impeccably shitty moronic acting in so many of these videos, suck!... he needs to back out and let others get bitch slapped by sexy and lovely, but deadly adorable feet. I'd volunteer!
1 yearAt least Ninja didn't try to act in this one... with him no acting is good acting
1 yearwow that is some super good animation!
1 yearPixey Ass! Who cares at this point.
1 yearruined by pixelation!. The Japs are retarded - Its like eating Surg-Turf with a plastic bag over your head with a small hole in it
1 yearBest domme I have seen in years she is devastating and lovely at the same time