Big pendulous tits mmmm
3 weeksHot 🔥🔥🥵
1 monthShe can suck goooood
1 monthShe could have been so much more. Her manager was trash
1 monthDisgusting mudshark 🤢
1 monthDisgusting midshark 🤢
1 monthMudsharks are 🤢
2 monthsBbc? Lol average AF
2 monthsI'd bust so hard to this babe wow
3 monthsAww cuties
4 monthsGood girl
4 monthsBabe
4 monthsI purposely do it now and girls love it. Or good girl. You'd be surprised that makes their pussy immediately wet
9 monthsLooks identical to the cutie next door. She sees my dong all the time and never says nothing
9 monthsWhat a good girl
9 monthsGood girl
9 monthsWhat a good girl
1 yearCuties
1 yearSuch a good friend
1 yearHer later vids started getting better then poof.. no more boobs
1 yearGlittertop is the best
1 yearGotta really enjoy the teenie when she's over
1 yearShe sucks dick so good
1 yearHot how the woman comes and helps pump the teenie
1 yearWhat a good girl
1 yearI wouldn't pimp her.. just trade with other dads for theirs. Sharing is caring
1 yearSo cute
1 yearJust like a teenie
1 yearLooks like a little teenie
1 yearShow her mouth some love bucko
1 yearSuch a nasty babe
1 yearHotttttt
1 yearFunky pussy
2 yearsyikes
2 yearsthanks
3 yearsI still am baffled by her logic. She was the big boob queen for years. Then just out of the blue decided to remove her giant tits. Now she has no tits, and massive scar tissue/skin hanging. Im so dissapointed tbh she was so sexy.
3 yearsdumb broad for removing them
3 yearsif she sucks it with the panties over it, its not actually bad! see teehee lmao
3 yearsone of her best vids. She was terribly managed and always had terrible videos. She was a bombshell and if handled better, she really could have been better
3 yearsnice cumshot
3 yearsshe should have done more like this
3 yearshottttt
3 yearsone of the best, there is just something better about the lighting or something. New porn videos are too bright, too over saturated. I miss this "look" real ones know
4 yearsSo hot
4 yearsWhich ones 51:19 damn that was a hot porno.