The random appearances of the weird dude in the corner are not appealing.
3 monthsAnyone know what the music is on this?
3 monthsI don't suppose anyone knows the music that goes with this, do they?
3 monthsGot it. It's a remix of "Call Me" by Gabry Ponte, R3HAB, and Timmy Trumpet. You can find it here:
3 monthsI'd also like to know, if anyone has any ideas.
3 monthsI'd also like to know the anwer to the question, if anyone has any ideas.
3 monthsBy all means, use the same 12 clips 30 times each...
5 monthsThe visual effects here are stunning... and distracting from the genre. If I wanted to purely be impressed by editing techniques, I'm there, but I'm looking to jack off and this isn't going to help me get there.
1 yearAnyone know what music was used for this?
1 yearNot sure what you think he did there, but that was definitely "lubes"
1 yearTruth. Honestly, I wish more porn would just get to the point. I don't need kissing, I don't need BJs, I don't need toys, I don't need filler. Put her face down, ass up, and just have at it.
1 yearI'd... kinda like to see that.
1 yearFor the love of God, please make more of these.
1 yearCan you imagine being in a relationship with Penny and be like, "nah, I'ma have sex with someone else?"
1 yearEvidently not.
1 yearI love that half are just stunning women and the other half are the saggiest people you can imagine.
1 yearTrust me; your wife probably dreams about that too.
1 yearEven better in person.
1 yearDon't we all, friend? Don't we all?
1 yearWell shoot, that's not even particularly wild. Let me know if you want some more... engaging material.
1 yearThat sounds lovely, really.
1 yearDid a pretty solid ECG piece if I remember right.
1 yearSee, she's obviously attractive, but also seems to have no interest in the scene whatsoever. The first rule of sex is that there is nothing sexier than a woman who wants to have sex and this woman did *not* want to have sex.
1 yearI was going to say, our definitions of "it all" are wildly different.
2 yearsI think that appeal of this for bisexuals is that I generally find attractive *people* to be sexy, so it's sorta irrelevant if it's gents or ladies.
2 yearsYes, that's what I want: talking to a clothed lady.
2 yearsAnyone have this in slightly higher resolution? I'm fond of dick, but it's a little difficult to be turned on by obvious pixelation.
3 yearsAnyone have the full version?
3 yearsIt's really difficult to find half-decent MMF bisexual content. This is excellent!
3 yearsAnd the quality on the videos is just... poor. Damn.