poverty makes ppl do anything.
4 monthsframe drops like your sagging moms tits ya bastard drink bleach.
7 monthsShame she gone fat.
9 monthsloser bum bastard drink bleach
10 monthscrack head meth cunt edit
10 monthsHow gays convinced dumb black men to accept be a gay ass bitach. How low can a black man go ?
10 monthscontrol freak indeed
11 monthsIs there no depths blacks wont go, he's a homo allow a man be so close to his dick.
11 monthsWTF the cameraman films more of rthe scenery isntead of the fucking !
1 yearbrianna banks not sure google it
1 yearBLM the porn industry is the only industry that has empowered blacks and BLM should thank the porn kings and queens that give trash something to do with their lives.
1 yearThis is how you give trash something to do while you sit and make gold out of trash whilst the trash remains as trash and you can always replace it with new trash.
1 yearWho said blacks dont have role models !
1 yearlike you can identify this prick from his tattoo.
1 yearnothing lucky its his job as a prostitute got paid and so did the whores, stop using bs titles.
1 yearWhy ruin it with stupid mother fucking filters ?
1 yearwheres the audio you dumb fuck eat shit and die
1 yearAss pounding in the final scene was epic, kudos
1 yearHécate
1 yearHécate
1 yearWhat is her name please ?
1 yearLuck has nothing to do it, it has everything to do with money!
1 yearIf you used the template Ai models on Topaz without the time consuming tweaking and testing then you get the basic cartoonish and somewhat freakish rendering. Btw Topaz Video Ai some ppl prefer Flowframes as well as other more simplistic and easier to use better performing unbloated power consuming bloatware like Topaz.
1 yearI would pixelate my cock if it looked like those besides they didnt pixelate their faces some of these ethnics have some fk up ethics.
1 yearFor good results ppl use a multitude of open source video tools and software with a high end pc and even then the time and energy you use to get what you want is what drives hardcore enthusiasts. So if you have the time, money, drive and hardware you can create great upscale variations.
1 yearMost likely topaz video ai its not that good you have to tweak it to hell trying out different ai models and even then its not that great. If the original footage is ok at 480p you can upscale to 720p and it will look ok but anything less than 480p the more pixelated the footage is the more cartoonish it will look the higher you upscale.
1 yearLast 2 minutes go fuck yourself you stupid mother fucker drink bleach bastard.
1 yearJust go fuck yourself u prick
1 yearspoiled with thefucking text you dumb mother fucking idiot - drink bleach.
1 yearcunt edit time 4 u to drink bleach !
1 yearThe only times she loves to eat and take pork
1 yearThis woman deserves an oscar great performance thanks.
1 yearyou cut out the best bits ya bastard fu cunt
1 yearstop reuploadimg other ppls shit and doing a crap job too fuck off with you and your shitty clip back to the fuckin 90s shit face.
1 yearWTF is this poor ass quality shit doing on this platform ? fuck off back to 1992 dial up and take this shit with you.
1 yearwtf is this shit ? its not porn its just ego sadist scum
1 yearsoftcore version wtf
1 year1080p fuk off more like 140p
1 yearfix your dead videos ffs
1 yearshit goes dead after a minute wtf is going on ?
1 yearPpl come to see the woman not your shitty music edit wannabee dj loser scum - drink bleach bastard.
1 yearWTF is with the mario special effects stupid bastard.
1 yearOnlyDickheads pay for this shit