she is great. you should post more video of hers.
3 yearsGreat job dude.
4 yearsI also collecting her videos but most of them (especially her IV from japan) is in 480p resolution, so it's great to see someone can convert it into 720p resolution. Thanks bro.
4 yearsThanks bro. I thought you wouldn't be back after pornhub deleted all of your video.
4 yearsWhy not the full game?
4 yearsI don't know if you're dumb, blind or ignorant. Her name is literally on the video.
4 yearsWelcome back dude. It's been a long time since you post an eroge gameplay. Thank you for your hard work.
4 yearsCan you tell the code of this video?
4 yearsAbsolutely fantastic
4 yearsMan.. That's Maria Rya, she's a Russian not Indian
5 yearsDear good sir, can you tell me the code this video?
5 yearsI usually don't like korean Bj, but this is great. We need more of this girl.
5 yearsThanks for the great video. It's rare to find someone who posted eroges video in here. Keep up your good work.
5 yearsOh, you're back,i thought you already retired. Hahaha... Btw, thanks for the new videos.
5 yearsThanks for your another maitetsu videos.
6 yearsThat's Shizuka Nakamura