Just sad some people have no self respect.
3 monthsDisgusting
4 monthsGood story
6 monthsIt's
7 monthsAll porn focus too much on showing penetration.
7 monthsOne of their best videos.
8 monthsNope
8 monthsGood video
10 monthsHorrible
11 monthsShe deserved it .
1 yearAm so bored with porn
1 yearAM so bored with porn.
1 yearI wish they more realistic mom son videos
1 yearHe most own the company.
1 yearPretty good video.
2 yearsIt's so good to see a white woman finally get the pleasure they desire.
2 yearsIt's so good to see a African American man give white slut some pleasure she probably her first time her life getting any satisfaction.
2 yearsNothing better than seeing a white getting pleasure from an African American Man. She is so happy.
2 yearsHe should have made this dummy take off her stockings and shoes.
2 yearsGood job brotha
2 yearsThis is now one my favorite videos.
3 yearsSholl is
3 yearsPerfect video
3 yearsI would like to see the ending.
3 yearsWhy do people flim themselves having sex I don't get it.
3 yearsFirst movie probably the best.
3 yearsGood video
3 yearsI love this movie well acted.
3 yearsThere's nothing better than seeing a white girl getting satisfied by a Black Man.
3 yearsGood work.
3 yearsWaste of time
3 yearsAm glad she made that Pig use a condom.
3 yearsGross
3 yearsIt's great to see American man pleasuring a white woman.
3 yearsNo fake moaning just real passionate sex.
3 yearsGreat movie
3 yearsI just love a little resistance on the mom's part. Makes it little bit more real.
3 yearsI feel so sorry for this women to have to deal with this pervert. Horrible way to make money.
3 yearsThat's why I hate bed Wenches
3 yearsDo you think this is real?
3 yearsHow can she do something like this. So gross
3 yearsYou can have that Bed wench
3 yearsBoring
3 yearsThat boy is ugly as Fuck.
3 yearsSo sad what some women will do for money. Having sex with a pervert.
3 yearsShe got Tits like my auntie.
4 yearsI love bad father's
4 yearsThank God for bad father's.