They claim you cant tell. These bitches got milage though.
6 monthsFuck this bitch for lining up with racist behavior for money apparently.
8 monthsToo bad her ass isnt fatter. She should save for a quality bbl
11 monthsRobots are taking our jobs!
11 monthsFuck all that she coming over after dark if not a hotel.
1 yearHow does a blind man watch porn? Im just wondering.
1 yearname?
1 yearSomething about this chick is odd... I think it might be cause of how church she look.
2 yearsYou paid 250 to see a bat bitch take dick??
2 yearsjust be grateful. Could be like Mal malloy and never do shit.
2 yearsseriously. Why didnt she go to hollywood and fake being her daughter until it paid off???
2 yearsShe loved it. Dont lie to yourself. lmao
2 yearsThey arent getting ass. 20% of guys get 80% of the pussy. Most women would rather be a side chick to a guy making six figures than have a 30k mufucka to themselves. Get your money up gentlemen.
2 yearswhat movie is this?
2 yearsHaving a whale of a time.
2 yearsHes a clown
2 yearsthe right outfit on a bitch can make the fuck session wild.
2 yearsjust admit youre gay its 2022.
2 yearsI dont pay so hopefully yall can hold it down lololol
2 yearsThis almost Uchemba level
2 yearssays her name like 100 times but ok.
2 yearsStfu gay mf
2 yearsis this chick eves?
2 yearswtf is this music. does this woman know her audience?
2 yearspumping her missionary legs up... fucking heaven.
2 yearsgirl cant dance for shit but looks good either way.
2 yearsman i think thats from her BBL lololol
2 yearsI havent paid a dime.
2 yearsUnderstandable mistake. Joberg is thick girl buffet.
2 yearsThe pussy is better when they ugly and bodied tho. I think its cause they put in more effort.
2 yearsThose nipples my god
2 yearsLike you never bodied a bitch as bad as her(pre and post weight gain). Outta here fuck boy.
2 yearsshe needs to get her stomach done. She has the money. wtf.
2 yearsMystique is so gross lmao
2 yearstrash
2 yearsSomebody coulda wifed and got decades of grade A tail. Damn.
2 yearsLol yall some hatin mf. I mean whod even watch?
3 yearsno names! fucking bots.
3 yearsoh damn when did she start this kinda shit
3 yearsIts a bot.
3 yearsthis mf never heard of Medellin. Stick to Little Rock boy.
3 yearswtf
3 yearsBro sex tourism is gross... Dont be a scumbag.
3 yearsdo you live under a rock?
3 yearslol god damn bro
3 yearsIts at the top? You blind son?
3 yearswho is 13:30?
3 yearsthats not a compliment. lol
3 yearsare you guys retarded?
4 yearslol bro theyre not even rare now. shout out to mcdonalds. .