Chocolate says her name in the scene. she was local chick that did like 4 scenes for duke and his buttermilk buttums series
1 yearshe said fans breh lol
1 yearkathy jones
2 yearskitana steele
2 yearsall these women are crazy thick and this dude ruins every scene...its like a running gag at this point
2 years it was in the recommended
2 yearsin the 90's
2 yearslazy af and a trash voice.
2 yearsbro ive been looking for this full scene for years. if you gotta anymore please drop em
2 yearsonly weridos sniff armpits you werido
2 yearsi legit need somebody to answer this question for me? why is this brand of porn so trash? these broads be thick af and fuck like they being held against their will and the dudes dont want to be there and/or gay af. wtf is up?
2 yearsyou sound like a twitter post.
3 yearspinky big ass a house now breh this video old af
3 yearsagreed
3 yearsshe got a porn video with jonnie depth. its trash
3 yearsMZDUI216 a thot from cleveland ohio and that old site rude who quit porn because of herpes
3 yearsbitch shut up
3 yearssorry but that's a he breh
3 yearsshe wasnt suppose to be in the scene
3 yearsthis fucking werido was sniffing her armpits? wtf
3 yearsits not rachel st marie. no clue who this is but its not her
4 yearsj fyne or good head red from tampa
4 yearsshe got some out matter of fact some are in the recommended
6 years20-30 dollars. That how tripping hard AF to think people will pay that shit.
8 yearsshe does clip4sale and her prices are outrageous that's why her vids arent floating out anywhere