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You're right but when a woman is on your dick enjoying like that and you are physically capable you almost don't have a choice. So good you will drain your balls till it hurts. And you should unless if your wife of many years and it is a regular thing. Savor that good pussy. I think pussy genuinely that hot in real life is rare.
10 daysCan't speak the language but I prefer the initial body language to be more clearly consensual. That being said, I am immediately discussing pregnancy, family structure, and marriage with a chick that made me to stay in her pussy continuously like this and nutting multiple times. He acted like his dick was in an inescapable pleasure vice grip. 🤣
10 days45:42 is the main reason I let thick curvy chick on top. That is when I would skeet in her like my life depended on it all the while demanding that she can't get off my dick after I come until I give permission.
10 daysIf you ever been deep off in a curvy chick with good pussy raw and you prefer to cum on her face instead of her pussy let me know. Because I don't understand. I haven't pulled out of my wife pussy to nut ever. A couple of times on accident hoping to hold back and last longer and failing. 🤣
2 weeksWeird and a Big turn off. But she sounds like she was physically enjoying the he'll out out it.