It's a fictional story, genius.
4 monthsCODE, OP?
5 monthsCode, OP?
5 monthsCode, OP?
6 monthsWhat is code, OP?
6 monthsName of movie?
6 monthsCode, OP?
7 monthsName, OP?
8 monthsCode, OP?
8 monthsCode, OP?
9 monthsCode, OP?
9 monthsWhat is the code, OP?
9 monthsFull video, please
9 monthsYou're a legend
10 monthsOP, what's the code? This is not Azusa Hagi.
10 monthsNot Azusa.
10 monthsWhat is the code, OP?
1 yearWhat is the code, OP?
1 yearOP, what is the code?
1 yearWhat's the code here, OP?
1 yearName of actress?
2 yearsWhat's the code? Name?
2 yearsName?
2 yearsCode here, fellas? Name of first actress?
3 yearsWhat is the code?????