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Lilly M
10 monthsShe goes by Pason
10 monthsI've only found 5 scenes over the years. Naughty America MFHM Nya, dirtydirectordotcom fuck toy 74, the two scenes here on Spankbang and a useless non nude scene where she pretends to get hypnotized.
1 yearDaniela Redi
1 yearDaniela Redi
1 yearshe is perfection.
1 yearIvana Literakova if you're wonderiing.
1 yearShe must be related to Shyra Fox somwhow.
1 yearShe's a little difficult to find. But her name is Stephani or Stefani. go to my page, I have about 8 of her videos.
1 yearI looked all three of her scenes fairly closely. She clearly did all three scenes in one day. So I think it's fair to say that there is no other material out there to search for.
1 yearTrevor Thompson
1 year"Barbora 5762" to refine your search
1 yearKafe fyi
1 yearJust search for Kira, nobody can agree on a last name for her.
1 year$@dIe Hartz
1 yearbeen searching for this video for about 27 years, thank you
1 yearYou can also search for Fruhreif No. 5 as Monika. Another name she used once is Katrin. She did about 10 films in the late 90's. She is timelessly beautiful.
1 yearMan, she totally biffed that cumshot. Could have been a classic.
1 yearpretty scary given his HIV status around that time
1 yearThank you so much.
2 yearsI have wated 23 years to find this whole scene. Thank you!
2 yearswho's the blond?
2 yearsThe first girls name is Kathy Divan if you're curious.
2 yearsYou're very welcome.
2 yearsher name is something like samantha philips, she only ever did this one scene
2 yearsshe should have gotten plastered, but i guess peter had an off day.
2 yearsSadly I've never seen a last name associated with her. I have about 1o scenes of her. Some are so bad there's no point posting them or the quality is 240p and impossible to make out detail. My best suggestion for now is to search for the specific spelling I gave. That's how I found everything I have. I will post more of her as better versions pop up.
2 yearsher name is "Or Mayling"
2 yearsBarbora
2 yearsSo she got the memo to shave that bush early early on.
2 yearsSue Diamond
2 yearsI love Monika
2 yearsStefani is the name i see associated with her the most. she is not easy to find, but theres about 20 scenes out there.
3 yearsShe's a real estate agent in CA. wah wah wah
3 yearskelly teal
3 yearsthanks Dorner
3 yearsThank you
3 yearsyep, google, Nerdy Teen Overwhelmed In Her First Porno & Cries
3 yearsThank you, I made the changes.
3 yearsShe definitely went "nuts" on that dick.
4 yearsJasmine Lynn
4 yearsVicca