You gotta post more of this
1 yearThis guy rose to the top of the upper echelon of gods of 3D just too damn fast
1 yearYour channel absolutely rocks
1 yearAbsolute banger
1 yearSure fire
1 yearThis edit kicks asses out of this world
1 yearAbsolutely sick!
1 yearIt is almost sad a bitch this high level has to do cam shows. This girl is a 10 hollywood level
1 yearA true fucking banger
1 year5h@r0n L33
2 yearsNot mean to spoil your vibe but look into how porn fakes cumshots... you'll find out why!
2 yearsSource?
2 yearsAbsolutely sick!
You gotta drop us a Dreaming HMV, that oughta kill me
2 yearsHere we goooo
2 yearsGod damn you only produce gold records bro!
2 yearsWhat a lovely work bro. Nothing like good sound edit
2 yearsYour work is impeccable
2 yearsCould have been the longer version but damn this dude is much my style
2 yearsNow you are vibin' in my style man
2 yearsPretty pretty nice bro, some heavy beats I'd like to see your take on willsparks dreaming tho
2 yearsThis is just gimme more by the great RahRahRasputin
2 yearsAnd her name would be?
2 yearsAbsolutely sick
2 yearsSick
2 yearsThat was some sick editing
2 yearslobsta making professional shit
2 yearsSick choice of song!
2 yearsHis eight channel! The man is unstoppable. Unkillable. Unbannable. The immovable rock in SPB shoe.
2 yearsThis is a certified hood classic! Back from the good ol' days in PHub
2 yearsIt's pretty awesome
2 yearsHis seventh account! I mean SB must be running out of b@n right?
2 yearsHeavy as fuck
2 yearsSFMMastermind the long lasting bastion of clips!
2 yearsAbsolutely a killa!
3 yearsYeah buddy, but you stole that from the great hybrid05. He's one of the best but please refer to him
3 yearsWoa nice! I was looking for this Zurikat video!
3 yearsYou're doin' god's work for reposting EmperorZurg stuff here on Fehr!
3 yearsLove this one!
3 yearsNiceeee
I guess this was our saviuh's last post before the great banning in PH
3 yearsHybrid working wonders
3 yearsName is Danni Ashe, and her tits are real actually
3 yearsWonder what happened to our LAWD and SAVIUH EmperorZurg. I guess work/college really takes too much time
3 yearsName?
3 yearsLove this song!
3 yearsSick song, sick pmv
4 yearsThis one is a masterpiece!