her body is insane, they would've been making marble statues of her in ancient times god damn
1 yearsome poor bastard will be seduced by that body only to find out she can only get off with a damn lightpole
1 yearlove that tummy jiggle
1 yeari give her man about 5minutes before he knocks her up, goddamn
1 yearno way she slurped it up, dawg she aint like the rest i swear
1 yearshe is fuckin goated and these other girls should be taking notes
1 yearnow this is how you do roleplay
1 year3:01 pornstars when they go withut cock/pussy for more than 10 mins
1 yeargod damn dem tiddies
1 yeari love this crazy bitch, her vids are always entertaining af
1 yearthick women aren't really my jam but this woman is fucking blessed
1 yeara certified hood classic
2 yearsalways sad seein her old vids, she was perfect before she got all that work done
2 yearsthose arms, poor girl
2 yearsanyone know who this is?
2 yearsshe is alarmingly uninterested holy shit lol
2 yearsthem big titties with them braids hit different lawd
3 yearsno way i didn't even recognize her...damn
3 yearsgod damn these thicc japanese bitches
3 yearssalute for this boy's tongue putting in work gobbless
3 yearsanyone know who she is? she actually looks like someone I know lol
3 yearsman she's lookin anorexic, i just feel bad
3 yearsgod fuckin damn who is this
3 yearsanyone know who this is?
3 yearsnames?
3 yearsdamn you're right, idk how i didn't realize. i'll blame it on the 12 pixels
3 years3:42:50 who is she? looks familiar cant remember
3 yearsreal life ugly bastard, feelsbadmen
3 yearshome must have protected the kingdom in a past life
3 yearssecond this in jesus name
3 yearswho is it?
3 yearsI can't find any trace of her and it's been some time
4 years4k
4 yearsthat's a rough 45 but she could probably get a nut from a rock with the way she rides
4 yearsthis video is probably older than half the kids watching it
4 yearsimagine youre on a date with this girl, you end up getting frisky and she takes that poofy dress off to reveal that body 11:50 god damn
4 years10/10 milf ruined by real life ugly bastard
4 yearsanyone got her name?