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WhaT a wasTe oF a good bodY shouLd haVe fuxKed this whoRe as weLL.!!
4 yearsThis bLondE teen sLuT couLd haVe wenT faRTheR theN she did in the BiZ buT she was so teRRiFieD oF ceRTaiN thinGs iT caMe acRosS in eVeRy scene she did.!
4 yearsVeRy raRe one oF my aLL-tiME faVeS.!!
4 yearsNice hoLeS.....Oooh-la-La.!!!!!
4 yearsNoT heR besT.....
4 yearsLyinG basTaRd.....FuxK yoU.!!!!!!
4 yearsNo pRobLeM.!
4 years
4 years"Wh1Tn3Y 5TeV3nS".
4 yearsJaPs need to go to fiLm schooL theY aLWaYs fuxKin up.!!!!
4 yearsH.D. was despeRaTeLy needed foR this lo-Fi tRaSh.!
4 yearsShe neVeR made enouGh popuLaR conTenT to quaLiFy.
4 yearsI onCe heaRD this poRn pRoduCeR caLL this biTch duMb as a boX oF rocKs to heR faCe.!
4 yearsSubmisSiVe euRo sLuT.!
4 years"Ch3L513 R/\3"
4 years"/\vR0R@ 5n0W".
4 years
4 years"M/\RQv3TTa J3W3L"
4 yearsTheRe's no naMe heRe in the coMMenTs.!?????
4 yearsI thoughT this was LyR1C 5Ky.!????
4 years
FacTs I loVe a phaT juiCy kiTTy.!
4 yearsShe's a VeGaS onLy eXcLuSiVe escoRT noW.
4 yearsThis was heR onLy scene the biTch was pReGnanT wheN she shoT iT who giVeS a fuxK abouT the naMe.!!
4 yearsThis good foR noThinG eXcepT looKs sLuT was aLwaYs laZy as fuxK in jusT abouT eVeRy sCenE she eVeR shoT tRuLy a paYchecK whoRe.!
4 yearsThis biTxh fugLy foRReaLs I mean....YucK.!!
4 yearsFacTs.!!!
4 yearsLoVe this seXy red whoRe buT heR maLe taLenT has to geT beTTeR.!
4 years"SvnShyn3"
4 yearsWasTe oF fuxKin time.!!
4 yearsThe 2nd woRsT scene in 4oOz. BovnxE hisToRy.!
4 yearsFoRgeT aLL this cocKTeaSe buLLshiT this biTxh needs soMe dicK.!!