God the eastern europeans make the most boring porn.
4 monthsThis is incredible.
7 monthsHell yeah.
1 yearDoes anyone care about the vids where she doesn't get her tits or ass out
1 yearLove you too, boo.
1 yearShe always looks like she's high as a kite, and not on anything fun.
1 yearHow about sharing the name of the woman in the video first?
2 yearsIt's on the video...
2 yearsWhy do people post this slideshow crap?
2 yearsRuined belly, fake tits, mottled and covered in tattoos. People are paying for this?
2 yearsShe's gone too far.
2 yearsShe's fat.
2 yearsNasty.
2 yearsThose tits are going south. :(
2 yearswhy is this morphed so much? lol her tits are already huge
2 yearsShe's always high as fuck in every vid. Never been sober in a shoot.
2 yearsShe hot but why am I listening to some ancient black magic curse?
2 yearsChesticles has never been a more accurate description.
2 years39? lol
2 yearsShoww us the tits. Who cares if you can't see the damn tits and nips?
2 yearsThose tits sagging harder than my nuts in summer, damn.
3 yearsKinda sad seeing people ruin themselves like this.
3 yearsShe looks like a teenagers locker, only fatter.
3 yearsNot showing anything. Who cares?
3 yearsDude looks like a school desk.
3 yearsOf course the chubster is eating an ice cream live.
3 yearsLess screentime on dudes, please. What a shit vid.
3 yearsMan her body looks ROUGH.
3 yearsWhy do people upload their boring shit? Both of you look bored as shit.
3 yearsDamn what a butterface.
3 yearsWTF happened to her tits? Jesus H Christ!
3 yearsLol that saggy, floppy skin when they're hanging... she's not even out of her 20's and ruined her tits already.
3 yearsThis is why altering your body is a shit idea. What is up with those tits and face? She's young and didn't need it. Insanity.
3 yearsAnnoying voice, no content. Great upload.
3 yearsDamn, she looks like a skeleton with balloons :rofl:
3 yearsWhy is 80% of the video absolute trash?
3 yearsDamn. If she lost that belly she'd still have amazing tits and a fantastic bod.
3 yearsWtf did she do to her face and nose.
4 yearsGorgeous fucking bimbo. That's a whore whose every hole needs filling.
4 yearsBoring.
4 yearsShe's high as fuck.
4 yearsLooks like a dude with tits.
4 yearsDamn I love these big titted fucking bimbos.
4 yearsThat's something at least.
4 yearsIt's all she does now. Tease and do shitty AMA's on cam. After uploading that video about "the legend returns..." and we get absolutely fuck all from her apart from shitty cams with simps tipping her for nothing.
4 yearsSo many cuts and edits, impossible to enjoy.
5 yearsFake as fuck.
5 yearsGotta say I ain't a fan. They're big but they hang all from the top of her chest, it looks odd.
5 yearsWhat's with the shitty voice over?
5 yearsNot a redhead. Are you retarded?
5 yearsAside from her fake tits there's nothing good about her... No hips, no ass, no lips, no face.
5 yearsBarely touches her tits. What is the point of her being in porn if not to play with those puppies?
5 yearsDude can barely even get it up...
6 yearsDamn those are some awful implants.
6 yearsOffputting AF.
6 yearsLusting so hard after this dirty talking woman. She's a fucking natural at it - and gorgeous to boot.
6 yearsTits look rock hard.
6 yearsBoring.
6 yearsDamn, that squeezing at the end. That's a woman who knows what a man wants when he's bustin.
6 yearsFuck has she done to herself?
6 yearsCan hire this chick in London. Good fuck, better looking in the flesh - tits are fantastic.
6 yearsWhat the FUCK is this?
6 yearsMan I love this gorgeous, huge-titted milf.
6 yearsthose are some great tits, but man are they trashy.
6 yearsDamn, better add a butterface tag to this.
6 yearslol what a fat cunt he is
6 yearsShe looks so fucking bored and uninterested. Hard to enjoy this.
6 yearsLooks like a fucking retard.
6 yearsbarbievegas on myfreecams
6 yearsGreat tits, shame about the face and utter lack of enthusiasm. Like most Japanese chicks.
6 yearsWho gives a fuck if they're not out?
7 years10/10 would disappoint.
7 yearsJesus that's one ruined fucking body.
7 yearsLike all these eastern european chicks, none of them are any good at pretending they're enjoying themselves. This one gives shitty blowjobs, too. All she has going for her is her tits, since her teeth are tiny and weird looking too.
7 yearsThose natural boobs still look as perky and tight as ever. Goes to show what a good diet and exercise can accomplish. What a woman.