Not Olivia Parrish... just Olivia.
4 monthsAn interesting creative choice: shooting a porn film in the dark... Hats off to the director of this masterpiece!
1 yearIn an age before universal breast implants, Samantha Strong really stood out! Watch closely as Peter North once again does his very best to convincingly portray a heterosexual!
1 yearThe blonde is Olivia (not Olivia Parrish), and the brunette is Heather Lee. They were roommates and friends. They got into porn at the same time.
5 yearsNot Chloe James... actual name Trica Oakes.
6 yearsThe blonde hottie is Olivia...
6 yearsThe blonde is Jill Kelly, not Janine...
6 yearsNot enough Samantha! I gotta have more Sam! And maybe a little less cheesy dubbed audio...
8 yearsLetha Weapons, not Tiffany Towers...
8 yearsLusty Busty Dolls # whatever... Summer Cummings has always been one of my favorites!
8 yearsOld fart puts camera on tripod and then wastes 90 minutes of Summer Cummings at her crazy hot peak! Still gave it a like! A so-so video with Summer is still better than a great video with almost anybody else!
8 yearsOh, the adorable little queefs, and how she giggles afterward! Briana is one of the very best!