Besides her totally fucked up surgeries, whats with all the hard slaps & spanks? Not a single woman I know likes that shit. And yes even the bdsm ones. They tollerate it usually bc of the guy. Afa her surtgeries, more male porn guy influence. He should be shot.
4 yearsWhatever happened to Brooke? She just kinda vanished.
5 yearsok, but needs more tits. not porntits, just maybe c cups ....
5 yearsBaran is fun but she smokes like a damn freight train....
5 yearsfar from amateur... thats Maya Bijou. total pro porngirl.
5 yearsi think shes still on mfc as Kitten_
7 yearsName & site shes on ?
8 yearsAella needs to do more bg porn. Shes a natural.
8 yearsI like Brooke. Shed be a great fuckbuddy.
9 yearsWho are these 2 fun girls? Anyone know their names?