without her magic belt is obvious she would lose
2 yearsmore wonder woman please
3 yearswhen she retieved her power belt she was confident that she could beat him
4 yearsat least she should retrieve her belt at the end , without her belt she is helpless
5 yearswithout her magic belt she is not match for a man strength
5 yearsyeah butin this fiction is true, just like tv show wonder woman cant fight without her magic belt, she is helpless without it
5 yearsits impossible dont want to touch her ass , her long legs are beautiful , sailor mars cleaning your house is a nice fantasy
6 yearsthe video is not loading
6 yearswatch 70s live action wonder woman show thats the wonder woman canon they are following where her belt is the source of her powers
6 yearsagainst him they are basically just regular women
6 yearsher magic belt was damaged without her powers she was helpless
6 yearsplease post the full video i remember that in somepoint they said wonder woman lost her magic belt but still she went to fight without it and ends like this
6 yearsAgree she is weak and helpless without her magic belt theres no need to beat her like that now that she is just a woman
7 yearstruly WW is weak and helpless without her magic belt
7 yearsstupid villain once she gets her magic belt on her waist she becomes the stronger woman in the world
7 yearsgalaxy girl powersource is her belt too thats why she wear its even being nude
7 yearsthats the price of defeat wonder woman you shouldnt let the villain took your bracelets leaving you weak and helpless
8 yearsmy guess is that the guy was able to remove wonder woman´s magic belt making her weak and helpless like a regular woman and without powers she cant break that cuffs which regulary wearing her belt would be easy for her to break free
8 yearswonder woman is very weak without her belt she was too reckless to try to fight a man bigger than her without her powers, as a regular woman she is no match for him and the guy took advantage of that
8 yearsthat wonder woman looks super fuckable
8 yearswonder woman is very strong with her belt of power on but the villain knew that she is just a regular woman without too weak to even match a man stregnth
8 yearswuth that mini skirt its hard to not think fuck her like the villain does
8 yearswonder woman is just a regular woman without her belt of power and that guy just took advantage of that she is unable to fight him in her regular state
9 yearsi love gc wonder woman is so hot