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that's really narrowcasting man,having a site filled with just czech gypsies is as small a talent pool as them having a site for asian jews
3 yearswhat's this chick's name please?
3 yearslit too
3 yearsmore like the guy from enter sandman
3 yearsyeah man,he's the OG when it comes to rating men's cumshots when he was terry adams,optimus the prime,amd jogzee3000 and deleting and reposting 50 times a day
3 yearsI always listen to these girls' stories to remind myself my life could be much worse,she was a heroin addict at 13 but it's alrigght because now she's a 20 year old crack addict,if you tracked her down now 7 or 8 years later she's probably got no teeth and she looks 50
3 yearsand you know what that old poet terry adams always saus realest'if the endgame is old the girls gonna scold'ain't that the truth
3 yearsshe would never fuck you though IGT no matter what you offerd,now it's EXACTLY the same comment and reply as it was before you deleted it before
3 yearsaren't you embarrassed of repostng the same thing IGT?realest quoted you saying that 2 hours ago right below you
3 yearsthis is honestly the 5th time you wrote and deleted this EXACT same fucking comment imposter gordon/terry and I seriously want to know if you're mentally ill?
3 yearswhy bother deleting and reposting that dumb comment IGT?
3 yearsI've gotta hand it to the girl because she's got a lot of personality and she's the only one I've ever seen who made that dirty bastard woodman wash his dick after anal sex before she'd blow him,she kinda reminds me of nikita beluccci but maybe it's because the teeth
3 yearsanyone who talks'endgame'I have respect for 211junky
3 yearsthat's where ytou're wrong realest,lame'endgames'are as serious as cancer,serious as a heart attack
3 years@l3x1@ G0ld
3 yearsclout chasing IGT will chase that clout until he catches it
3 yearsI asked you if she was as hot as you are stupid IGT but I guess you showed me how stupid you are by deleting and reposting
3 yearshow'hot'is she IGT?is she as'hot'as you are stupid?probably not
3 yearsthey haven't even gotten their hands on the Aussie yet masked,he dire left the mexican cat holding the bag of shit,I'd say the court should make the mexican cat fuck the other guy in the shitter 5 or 6 times to completion while filming it and then let them go on their merry way,fair is fair
3 yearsbut if'they're creeps who trick women'why are you complimenting them IGT?don't you have a strict anti'tricks who trick women'policy as I remember?
3 yearsfuck yourself imposter gordon/terry,fuck yourself hard
3 years'everything about'you is not'great'imposter gordon/terry
3 yearsthat's because you're a stupid asshole who knows nothing about pop culture because you're too busy building 20 thousand video playlists imposter gordon/terry along with being a clout chasing,,lying piece of shit
3 yearsthat whole'feel ike a failure'comment'ws staged like the rest of her'reality show'and I doubt that woman has felt shame in her whole born days
3 yearsgo fuck yourself imposter gordon/terry with the fucking clout chasing,you'bombed'at life in general and it fits your pathetic eistence that you'd be a fan of this fat assed vapid,no talent and her even more useless family(kendell excepted because she actually has a real world skill unlike the rest of them)you my friend are what is called a'basic'
3 yearsretarded not reatarded but you're probably that too imposter gordon/terry
3 yearshere comes the clout chasing segment of imposter gordon/terry's day
3 yearsyeah masked,she ws happy as a clam right until the moment she hung herself
3 yearsgo fuck yourself boobkarma,I sat through this fucking guy saying'RIP'about any porn girl who had the misfortune not to die of old age and I'm fucking sick of the hypocracy,like he really give a fuck one wasy or the the way bookarma, fonzi from happy days called and he wants his insult back,up your nose with a rubber hose,now we're even
3 yearsas I said before this twat imposter gpordon/terry deleted and reposted it give me a fucking break with that'don't have any respect for the dead'shit immposter gordon/terry,I can't believe you can be that stupid and lacking in self awareness, because you are jerking off to her right now and that's fine but don't act like you're giving her this loving tribute by giving her a 21 gun salute with your cock with your underwear at half mast
3 yearsdon't give me that'pay the respects to the dead'shit imposter gordon/terry,you can't be that fucking stupid an lacking in self awareness,you're jerking off to her and that's fine by don't act like you're giving her some 21 gun salute with your cock or something
3 yearsrodney said that and look what happened to him masked,he should have tougned up and picked a side like everyone else on planet earth
3 yearsso I guesss you didn't take up my offer to'RIP'your own cock off and stick it in your mouth imposter gordon/terry?
3 yearsbecause you keep RATTING HIM OUT asshole imposter gordon/terry,why the fuck would the mods care about some guy talking about'endgame'all of the time?they certainly never cared when you did it 50 times a day for years
3 yearsno imposter gordon/terry YOU don't realize that everyone on this site hates you so much that they all upvote his comment to the top of the board and yours down evenn though it'ds basicallly a parody of yours
3 yearsif no one does those things then what's your excuse then imposter gordon/terry?
3 yearshe's realer than a guy who writes the same thing under every vodeo for more than 2 years now and who used to only talk about cumshots and'endgame'under his last screen nmae(optimus the prime,terry afams,jogzee3000)imposter gordon/terry
3 yearshey pawgstalker,or I shoud I say fatgirllover,go fuck yourself becasuse I know what I'm doing so mind your fucking business
3 yearssee what the asshole imposter gordon/terry tried to do there realest gordon/terry?he found your reply to the guy above you then saw that there was a guy with almost as many upovotes so he voted him up and voted your guy down and then replied to the new board leader as well as replying to you,can you imagine anyone being dumb enough to care about that shit?
3 yearsthe only'interesting point'I see imposter gordon/terry is the one on the top of you're head but if you grow your hair long maybe no one will notice
3 yearsthat's imposter gordon/terry's middle name masked,the song was really about him
3 yearsnot as great as I heard you were from all the fallas at your local gloryhole imposter gordon/terry,they wrote your name and number on the bathroom walls'imposter gordon/terry 867 5309 for a good time call'
3 yearsonce again here comes asshole imposter gordon/tery going on his early evening deleting/repsting spree and the later he'll start in on the clout chasing when he thinks no one is looking too closely
3 yearsthanks a lot,these girls from the mid 00s are a mystery to me as far as names go
3 yearswho's the girl?
3 yearswhat in the name of fuck is up with the director with the chicago accennt?I once saw him do a video that was like 6 hours long and he wouldn't shut the fuck up for one second
3 yearsthis girl ate herself out of maistream porn like eddie curry ate hiself out of the NBA
3 yearsthe motherfucking word is'THAN'not'then moron imposter gordon/terry
3 yearsfair enough masked,fair enough,tell anyone else who private messages you though
3 yearsI never figured out who this girl was
3 yearsstop being such a fucking pussy imposter gordon/terry,I have respect for the dead but I have no respect for YOU
3 yearsand'as I said'imposter gordon/terry,too bad you didn't'fall off a four story building'you still can though
3 yearsI agree relpse69 and I wish I could but this fucking guy has kept up his shit for almost 2 years now and if I didn't keep bothering him and making him uncommfortable he'd truly comment hundreds of times a a day,I tried to ignore him last month for a while and he just got more insane with the comments
3 yearsyou're over 36 imposter gordon/terry what's your excuse for still being alive?
3 yearsyou deleted the fuckig commnet AGAIN imposter gordon/terry for no reason
3 yearsI saw an ad for her for escorting,420 dollars for sex and an extra 100 for anal,that's not a bad price if anyone is visiting europe they can give me a review
3 yearswhat a lame asshole you are imposter gordon/terry,I've never met the man ao why would anyone stay up at night worrrying about him?te fact that h died falling off a builingis funny
3 yearsain't it the truth realest gordon/terry,the man shot a weak cumload,reach up and grabbed his chest,fell over and died on the spot
3 yearsI wish someone planted a'bomb'in the room you share with the other halfwits in the halfway house you live in imposter gordon/terry
3 yearstoo bad something like that didn't happpen to you imposter gordon/terry,it would save us all a lot of reading through your insane comments and deleting and repostings,this is the clout chasing part of the night I see
3 yearsdon't tell me what to do asshole imposter gordon/terry,you do realize no one would bother you if you didn't keep acting like an asshole,right?you do see a causation there?
3 yearsas I said before you deleted it imposter gordon/terry,you admire her because you'excel in the gang scenes'at your local gay bar
3 yearsI noticed the guy who directed all of these videos did a much better job than the guy who does it now
3 yearswhat's her name again?
3 yearsthe ship has sailed on that,take a look at the bad tattoos she has now,including a face tattoo
3 yearsonce more the man called imposter gordon/terry who says he has a'vast vocab'mistakes'then'for'than'one time might be a typo but 70 times is a pattern
3 yearsclout chaser imposter gordon/terry,that's how a man chases clout,chase it IGT,chase it
3 yearsI don't judge these porn girls but to do porn while you're this pregnant is disgusting
3 yearsnot if you got your hands on them imposter gordon/terry
3 yearsimposter gordon/terry with the late night clout chase right on time,next time it will be the delete/repost/clout chase combo
3 yearsclout chaser imposter gordon/terry
3 yearsit makes me laugh that you're telling anyone to'read a dictionary'imposter gordon/terry because you always misuse words or have inproper grammar in your comments and then when someone mentions it you don't even change it because you cut and paste instead of writing from scratch
3 yearsclout chaser supreme imposter gordon/terry
3 yearsimposter gordon/terry,that's not him,he's actually the one who convinced me to ignore you,which I did until you private messaged me and made me come out of retirement
3 yearsthis girl is mackenzie ford,tabor on ghs
3 yearsthis was maddy at her best,not too fat and not too skinny
3 yearsI've never in my whoe life heard of a camgirl listenung to Public Image Limited during a camshow
3 yearswhy does the description say she has sexy'ass hair'?
3 yearsare these some group of south american chicks I don't know about?they remind me of the venezuelian webcam girls who seeem to have a crew who all do cams together
4 yearsyou've got some set of balls to make fun of the real comma gordon/terry imposter gordon/terry,the only things he needs to spell correctly is'cumshot'and'endgame'this coming from a guy who cuts and pastes the same misspellings every day,never the less'else where'what ever'and the crazy fantasy quotations
4 yearsthat wasn't my intention masked,I left a long reply but it never got through
4 yearsthat's kinda why any japanese should't be jumping on the iron cross bandwagon,the fucking place was rubbble when the allies got through with them
4 yearsmasked I think we can both agree it's probably best,especially for a japanese cat,to stay away from the nazi iconography as far as body art goes