Nice job fucking up the scene with your fucking music, shitforbrains.
1 yearIt's not working. I'm not buying a subscription because I can't check and make sure this girl is actually on their site behind the paywall.
1 yearFaye Reagan was such a waste of a perfectly good slut. She refused to take it in the ass and the word in the industry is that she was convinced she was the hottest thing on film. Not surprising that she lasted for just a few short years and then vanished.
1 yearWhy the fuck do you never post their goddamn names?
1 yearThis slut looks like Cobie Smulders.
1 yearI will NEVER failto upvote this slut.
1 yearCasy Calvert
1 yearAsians are in Broken Latina Whores now.
1 yearTotally fucked up the scene by not showing her face. First anal and you didn't get her reaction to it?
1 yearShe's not a queen. She's just a slut. Don't put pussy on a pedestal.
1 yearThis has been showing "Processing... check back in a few minutes" for, like, a YEAR now.
1 yearWhat's her goddamn name?!
1 yearLove this format, especially when the slut's name is included in the video, just a little subtitle that could probably be left on the screen during the whole part she's displayed. I'll definitely subscribe!
1 yearBlak ppl are weird. They are incredibly racist and love to make ridiculous statements like the one above without an evidence to support that a) the majority of white people want to see them naked, or b) that anyone wants to "kill them off". 88% of black crime is against other blacks. 76% of crime in general is committed BY blacks. 52% of THAT is black on WHITE crime. Only 12% of violent crime is white on black. (source: fbi . gov crime demographics report, 2022.) Shut the fuck up, "genie".
1 yearThanks, mate!
1 yearYou are a king among men, my friend!
1 yearYeah, pardon me. I missed the SIX WHOLE SECONDS showing her face and reaction to being cored like an apple. Please forgive me.
1 yearIf you have a dick you are a MALE. Move this disgusting shit to the gay section where it belongs.
1 yearWhatever dumb fuck decided to dub pornos needs to be beaten with reeds.
1 yearWho was the dumb fuck that decided pornos needed dubbing?
1 yearStop posting your idiot political bullshit on porn sites.
1 yearTHis could have been an outstanding scene if you'd shown her face.
1 yearIf she's wearing a mask, don't even bother.
1 yearHad the chance to make a great video and it was fucked up by a blurred face and shitty music.
1 yearTHis nasty shit needs to stop coming up in searches for STRAIGHT PORN.
1 yearWhy. Did. You. Not. Include. The. Slut's NAMES?!?
1 yearThis would be a great scene if THE DIRECTOR DIDN'T BLUR THE DAMN THING!
1 yearWho is this slut?
1 yearYou rock, bro!
1 yearKaryn Bayres
1 yearThere should be a law that prevents you from uploading without naming the scene and actress. I know this is Mandy Muse, but which of her 500+ scenes is it?
1 yearHey dumbfuck, nobody wants to hear your shitty music. Way to ruin a good fuck scene.
1 yearWhat's the slut's name?
1 yearThe thirst is real in this one.
1 yearTrans women are NOT women. This is not a girl and doesn't belong in the straight porn section.
1 yearI don't know who the stupid fuck was that decided porn moans need to be dubbed, but they are an idiot.
1 yearShut up, simp.
1 yearThe big issue I have with these PMVs is the lack of names and titles to track down the scenes in question.
1 yearNo anal. And not blonde. Dumbass.
1 yearThank you, mate.
1 yearWhat's her name?
1 yearGoddamnit would you POST THE SLUT'S NAME!?
1 yearLynn Lemay. She had a rather intriguing career in the 90s.
1 yearNo anal = no point.
1 yearWhat a fucking waste of time. It's hard enough trying to find Jap porn that isn't blurred out. Now we find it and the fucking moron shooting it has the slut wearing a mask.
2 yearsNice job shoving her pretty face off camera so we're stuck looking at your man-tits.
2 yearsWow, it's so hot watching her walk around a fucking kitchen!
For fuck's sake, upload this shit to YouTube where it belongs. This is a PORN site!
2 yearsIf she wasn't wearing a mask this would be a good scene. As it is, there is no reason to watch. This site is full of NON anonymous porn.