6 monthsShe's nice
11 monthsThank you....she's sweet
1 yearMomento
1 yearThank you....yes, I've heard that name. She's beautiful.
1 yearWho is the dark haired girl? She's cute
1 yearOk great thank you.....that name sounds familiar.
1 yearThank you my friend... she's amazing!!
1 yearI think she's adorable may I have her name?
1 yearThe 2nd girl I'm the video looks familiar.. Do you have her nsme?
1 yearHave any more on her?...She's my favorite
1 yearThank you so much and appreciated
1 yearNice old Volkswagen
1 yearWho is this?
1 yearSweetheart
1 yearAnyone know her name? She's beautiful.
1 yearInstant love
1 yearShe is AMAZING
1 yearShe is gorgeous!!!
1 yearElvis lip
1 yearI could see it in her was gonna happen.
1 yearHer personality seems genuinely sweet, cheerful, and friendly.
1 yearI'd eat that corn clean off the Cobb.
1 yearShe's pretty!!
1 yearWildly horny!
1 yearThe way she licks and sucks and teases us with that glass dildo is absolutely amazing.
1 yearI'm not 10 seconds into this video and I see this girl has perfection and beauty the way I like it.
1 yearAnyone know where I can find more of her?
1 yearWho is the dark hair one?
1 yearWho is this?
1 yearAnything?
1 yearHer name is........
1 yearHow can I find more from her?
1 yearShe's amazing
1 yearI agree
1 yearI think I knocked them both up !
1 yearKita Momona of SKE Gen 2
1 yearAyaka Nakanashi of HKT Gen 1
1 yearMarin Nonoyama of SKE gen. 4
1 yearRisa Naruse of AKB 48
1 yearRumi Yonezawa of AKB48
1 yearERI Takamatsu of AKB48
1 yearMay I know her?
2 yearsShe's cute
2 yearsWho is she?
2 yearsWhere are more of her?
2 yearsAh,...ok thank you so much .
2 yearsShe's Hott
2 yearsIs her name Dolce?
2 yearsI'd like to see more of her.
2 yearsI've seen her before but can't remember her name
2 yearsWhere's more?
2 yearsOh I really like her !
2 yearsI love her ..she's perfect .
2 yearsShe's pretty
2 yearsShe's amazing
2 yearsShe's amazing
2 yearsI like her...she seems like a nice young woman.
2 yearsWhere to see more from her?
2 yearsLooks familiar but I can't remember her name
2 yearsYume Bijin
2 yearsShe's cute
2 yearsMakota Toda
2 yearsNanofia
2 yearsNice
2 yearsShe's so hot the fire trucks were coming .
2 yearsWhat movie is this from?
2 yearsI'm in love
2 yearsCan anyone tell me more about her?..anymore videos?
2 yearsShe has a full bush.... Love it
2 yearsWondering who
2 yearsWondered who she was.
2 yearsI've seen her through jav but can't remember her name.
2 yearsI can't read her name.
2 yearsThank you...she's beautiful.
2 yearsI agree major turnoff. Felt that way for years.
2 yearsI think I'd have to taste it .
2 yearsThank you
2 yearsI wonder who?
2 yearsWonder who she is?....She's cute.
2 yearsAny guesses ?
2 yearsShe's my favorite so far...anymore from her?
2 yearsWho knows where I can see more from her?
2 yearsMore from her please
2 yearsChiharu Satomi
2 yearsVery impressive... What is her name ?
2 yearsI wonder if she's done other videos?...She's cute.
3 yearsThank you... I like her.
3 yearsMore from her,...whoever she is.
3 yearsI'd like to know how to get more videos of her.
3 yearsWho is she?
4 yearsWhat can you tell me about her?
4 yearsThank you I really like her.
4 yearsMao who?....I want to see me out please.
4 yearsMay I know her name, please?
4 yearsInamoto Kurumi
6 yearsAnyone know her name amd any other videos of her?