There are a lot of guys who just love and worship vagina...
3 monthsNunca vi ninghem defendendo bi... So pode ser viado
5 monthsFor a beta cuck with bi tendencies....sure
5 monthsRapaz vc dever ser bi pra ter ficar doido desse jeitokkk
6 monthsEsse foi o fim do porno nacional! Ultima boa geraçao!
7 monthslol
9 monthsi hate it too. Makes no fucking sense
1 yearTem tendencias bi
1 yearthanks
1 yearwow... mental health?
1 yearwhat?
1 yearKKK olhos os gados cucks
1 yearAmigo, tem cara que nasceu pra ser corno...
1 yearShe is fat!
2 yearsCtane lima
2 yearsThis makes no sens for me.... If you dont like it just find another video.... Humans are trash
2 yearsExcelente
2 yearsLOL!!!
2 yearsBut to watch a almot 50 minutes video where they only talk????
2 yearsWOW now guys what to hear those hoes talk for almost 50 minutes? DAmn what a bunch of simps!
2 yearsWell, that is a ery good question! I Guess there are too may simps and cucks who actully like and even love these sluts.....Some guys think that if a female is attractive she is a good person or interresting
2 yearsWOW that is kind of gay...
3 yearsCara na minha opniao as da decada de 2000 era melhores que a de hoje! MM deveria estar melhor posicionada
3 yearsShe looked way better without Tattooos
3 yearsWhy \/
3 years5 ? wow you are too nice
3 yearsKKK tem um corno que noivou essa ai? KKK
3 yearssabe o nome dela? Excelente videos! posta mais se puder dela
3 yearshell yes
3 yearsAgree! but it is weird man!
3 yearsI agree with almost everything you said ... I would just like to add that, in my opinion, Caring about another guys dic size is not insecure, (per say) , but a homosexual trait ... It is almost like for some guys, they are watching porn to see a big penis as much as to see attractive woman getting fucked
4 yearsFEminista e feia demais!
4 yearsRaimunda!