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Foot fetish ppl are a plague,, the fuck is wrong with you weirdos
2 monthssuch a waste to do this on a dildo
2 monthsLol the shoes
3 monthsLol ass injections = 100%?
3 monthsAw pretending to not know Tessa's name after all these years yet have her video is cute
8 monthsNever a fan of the overly musclular body for women but god damn..a good whore is a good whore
8 monthsWatch this with this instead:
8 monthscode plz cap
9 monthsBody still bangin but face and hair screams desperation like all old ladies who wear too much make up
10 monthsButterface
10 monthsFeet are fucking gross.. the fuck is wrong with you ppl
1 yearGet rid of Joanna Jew Face and it woulda been great
1 yeardaaaaamn you got some learnin to do
1 yeargood ol chipmunk face with insane assets
1 year1080 LOL
1 yearshe's cross boobed
1 yearcode?
1 yearhilarious her hubby renting her out like this
1 yearGet the bitch on the left outta there and you got gold.
1 yearc o d e ?
1 yearmusic ruined it
1 yearThis bitch is so unenthused.. which makes it... better?
1 yearDucks quacking is all I hear these days and I couldn't be happier
1 yearwhere upscale
1 yearSubs would really help
2 yearsterrible music
2 yearsgood editing but annoying music
2 yearsGreat girl.. terrible background music and camera work ruins it
2 yearsyes u are
2 yearsoh boy are you in for a treat
2 yearswhere 1080
2 yearsThank you for your service.
2 yearsJadas body for sure but that hair is ugly as fuck
2 yearsdamn.. from now on this song's gonna get me hard
2 yearsget rid of joanna jewface and its good
2 yearsalways hated the nasty jav slurping sounds
2 yearscode?
2 yearsThat's just like.. your opinion man
2 years720? lol
2 yearsmy god what did she do to her face... used to be pretty
2 yearscode?
2 yearswhos the first girl?
2 yearsthe vasoline dick is hillarious
2 yearsglug gluh gluhh gluuuugh gluuauauahg gleeeuug gluguglgulguglgugluglugluglguglugluglgugh
2 yearsthat poor kid
2 yearslucie wilde really is a sloth
2 yearsChloe Lamb is the only other contender
2 yearsgod damn cut your hair so you dont have to keep holding it out of ur face.. looks so fucking emo and stupid
3 yearssuch a babe
3 yearsfunny how hard she wants to be a pornstar but can't deepthroat worth shit
3 yearsahh he hehe ehe heheehe
3 yearsI want to learn
3 yearshorrible intro music
3 yearsEvery copy of this scene is pixelated/fuzzy :(
3 yearswtf is this garbage
3 yearstoo bad she fucked her lips/face up.. i bet she was pretty once
3 yearsBORING. Just suck and get fked, stfu.
3 yearsengrish preeze?
3 yearsew bitch is ugly and doesn't do shit
3 yearsnuurrrp
3 yearslol you think this is thick?
3 yearsWTF kinda shitty music is that? huh lelelelelelelellelelelelelelelellelelelellelelelelellelelelelelellelelelelelelelellelelelelelelellelelelelele
3 yearsName?
3 yearsglug glug gleeg gleee gleeeeeeee
3 yearsso glitchy how can anyone watch this
3 yearswho the fk even makes 480p vids days?
3 yearsThank you for putting up an HD version, idc about her trying to "dominate".. she just looks the thickest and best here.
3 years4k... LOL
3 yearseyebrows are intense
5 yearsterrible music