Her name is Promise. This is from BT29
4 monthsAgreed. That is NOT Spanish
5 monthsAgreed!
5 monthsCaren Caan
7 monthsDiana DeVoe
7 monthsLuna Blanca. She's done 45 movies, according to iafd
11 months+/- 2 seconds in, they show her name & the name of the movie.
1 yearDefinitely not her first scene. Under a different name, she did a few scenes in 01-02. Around 04 she came back as Marie Luv.
1 yearName in the title is her's
1 yearHe damn near put out her cigarette with that blast!
1 yearDef not Superhead... still a classic!
1 yearLana Sky
2 yearsRo$@r!o $tone
2 yearsI agree. Her look in this video made me a fan
2 yearsSexy Feline RIP
2 yearsSafire Flamez is Misty Stone's cousin. Unlike Misty, Safire only did about a dozen movies.
2 yearskyla marshall from the UK
2 yearsFonda French
2 yearsTracy Vegas
2 yearsShe has done about 30 movies. On IAFD they have her listed as Lana Sky. Changed her name a few times. Started 99, did a couple of scenes & disappeared until the mid 2000s. Not sure where Rich got this scene, but it is definitely from the 90s.
3 yearsWish she would have done more movies
3 yearsthank you
3 yearsDid something happen with her?
4 yearsManners?
4 yearsCum dodger
4 yearsHer name is Essence Beauty.
4 yearsClassic scene!
4 yearsGreat scene!
4 yearsCould you please give us a name?
4 yearsGreat point
7 yearsThis is Pradah G
7 years"her name?" How about throwing in a "please" somewhere in your request?
7 yearsCrystal Kerrington
7 yearsIf it's not Caprice, then can you please tell us who she is? From where this scene came? Thanks
7 yearsdoes anyone know her name? Thanks
8 yearsAshton Devine
8 yearsSexy Feline from Freaks, Whoes & Flows #03
8 yearsPersia Pele
8 yearsHer name is Diamond Legacy. She did not do too many movies, but she had 2 great scenes w/Lexington Steele that were legendary.
8 yearsCan anyone please tell me the girl's name?
8 yearsShe's one of my all-time faves & so is this scene. She did 1 other scene w/Lex, but didn't stay in the industry very long.
8 yearsCTBO02.4
8 yearsCTBO17.3
9 yearsMomoko Mitchel