1 yearThe singing was annoying. lol
1 yearBrandiBraids. This is the only one of her videos. The rest seems to have been deleted for some reason.
1 yearShe had a baby. lol
1 yearSuzume Mino
1 yearMaria Takagi.. damn.
1 yearNicole's accent is pretty good in Spanish. Impressive. You know, aside from the obvious shit. lol
1 yearDoes she have more content?
1 yearI wonder where Giselle is now. All I know is they broke up years ago.
1 yearShe really sounds like a genuinely fun girl.
2 yearsI actually enjoyed the banter. lol
2 yearsIt was pneumonia.
2 yearsDamn lol
2 yearsDoes Danielle have more videos?
2 yearsLOLWTF?
2 yearsAda I believe is her name. They call her a "Firegirl"? Perhaps due to the red hair?
2 yearsDamn, Britney is cute..
2 yearsNTRD-080 : The Story Of How My Wife Got Fucked By My Ch1lddhood Best Friend, starring Yuri Honma
2 yearsEmily Cutie
2 yearsIsabella Soprano.
2 yearsNice. I just wish those negros stopped talking.
3 yearsRika Mari
4 yearsElektra Rose
4 yearsLMAO!
4 yearsNow thats what I call going to the dark side.
4 yearsBella Baby is so hot...
4 yearsHer name is Emily Cutie. I think she also goes by Isabella Star.